There's a few forgers I wouldn't mind running through. Their names are Warholic. --- Double Post Merged, May 16, 2016 --- The first time I had ever heard of xandrith in my life was when he left a 6/10 on Trinity with the comment "Played a game on Trinity earlier...we ended it early. "
Nevermind. Don't expect pictures any time soon. This map can't get finished until we can rebreak the physics budget
dude, i was trying to do this forever on my map Recluse. i finally achieved it when i had all of the basic structure and terrain down. which was a bummer. that being said, use named location volumes. if i remember correctly, i reached a limit with them when I was around 98-99%, then deleted one or two, then spammed the duplicate button. just fill your map up with finishing stuff like spawns, name location volumes, weapons, invisible blockers etc. even if they're temporary, you can delete them once you get the glitch. eventually you'll reach a point where it kind of just gives up and lets you spam whatever object you're trying to duplicate(in my case, name locations). you'll know you've got it when it reaches like 101%. just my experience and tips!
Wait..You're saying it's still possible? For sure? Not for name volumes. I need rocks and ****
Yeah man, I broke the budget with name locations but now I can put as much of any terrain piece as I want.