im actually at my worst when it comes to copying real world things. basically. i don't want to start anything until i see how it looks because you can't just slap textures on every map just need a break and then some good inspiration. check it out let me know what you think. Updated the pictures
Whenever you can't think of a layout, just start making stuff that looks awesome. A layout will come to you in time
Maybe i'll have yu hop in and fix my whole map again lol. I haven't been in a forge lobby in a while so maybe that's what im missing I just don't know what to build tbh
You could give yourself a "blockout" outline of a catwalk that you could then overlay with natural items. That way you can already have the functional structure you want and then just worry about how natural you can make it look. Ex: Two pillars spanned by a horizontal block with a supporting arch underneath, overlay it with rocks and then maybe use some grass/plants on the top sides of the horizontal block to make it look like a beaten path. And of course as much ivy as possible hanging down from it.
Natural catwalks are a bad idea because players will think someone didn't build it, so it must not lead anywhere.
God it takes a while to go through and texture already-completed maps, but once you do its so satisfying.
yeah, I had one that the update ****ed the lighting on big time, like everything was pitch black. Changed all the stuff to concrete texture and BLAM! back to normal. Doesn't look much different, but I like it. But on the opposite side, on my sandtrap styled map I can't change the textures from metal to concrete yet because I have too many pieces meshed with the primitives that cant do that yet and it looks BAD when I do it. So, holding off on that one for now. Been forging again, in between DkS3 and Doom. I've got a pretty nice map goin, might post some pictures or a video soon.