If you have played omega journey than you know how this map is going to play. Made by twitch 103 with minor (and I mean minor) help from jblackandsons. It's basically a huge winding hallway with obstacles blocking the way to the end while zombies try to kill you. I hope you like it and I am sorry if this thread doesn't match up to the standards. Human spawn zombie spawn My favorite obstacle The hardest obstacle The end The outside http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=35154895 Above is the link to the map. Use any infection game you want. I personally suggest infinite ammo. Delta 2 and 3 thread http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12534
Hey your post isnt quite up to scratch might i suggest making a photobucket account here at www.photobucket.com and use the code to embedd your pictures nicely? and also you mention that twitch 103 and jblackandsons made the map did you take part in anyway shape or form? if so let us know
ahh ok then well im sure you and twitch made a good map but without working screenshots im afraid you wont get any downloads
I just got an account on photobucket and im working on the pictures. Also thanks for not going crazy about the forgehub standards.
It looks like the overly done "tunnel with barriers" Infection map. Not very original, unfortunately.
I know it's not the most original thing but the other two are (I don't fell like posting the better deltas tonight. I'll have the others on tommorrow. If you aren't sure about downloading or if you just want to try the other two send a message to jblackandsons.
Ah, i know exactly what you did wrong, i did the same thing my first post. when you were saving the pics from your B.net account you must have saved them from the small thumbnail without opening them up. go back for each picture and click them once to open and save again. photobucket should resize the larger versions once you post them.
Thank you I will work on the problem right now. I'm just amazed nobody has gone crazy about the standards.
read the description it's a maze with obstacles that you have to destroy to get to the end while zombies try to kill you.
good map man i DLed we should get party online and play some infection on here. keep up the good work man..
Yeah my brother (twitch) is a little OCD but he decided not to be like that on this one because it already took a while. On the other two (I will post them together soon, just haven't gotten around to it) it's much neater.