When is Halo going to get a new developer? I'm still not over MCC. It's still completely broken btw. How does our beloved developer react to this massive failure of a title release? http://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-this-is-the-end-breaks-AvMJCeu1EMmhG
I think my current project is far enough along to share some screenshots. The map is (currently) called Recluse and it's still in Alpha. The map came to be simply from my desire to make a semi-symmetrical terrain based Forerunner themed. The aesthetics are basically my attempt at creating "Guardian in autumn." Lots of things left to do, but things are coming along nicely.
Ok, i dont have any screenshots to share. But i would like to share that im creating one of the most ambitious map/gamemode ever seen in Halo 5 up to this date. Im calling it Battleship 2558 Basically there is a Battleship in the middle of the ocean. It is outfitted with shade turrets. [think modern era battleships.] The ship has a captain, who can control the ships movements, The ship is embedded with lots of explosive barrels, basically when they are blown up, they send a message to a certain channel, once all the channels are activated the ship "sinks". When an individual barrel is hit, that part of the ship takes damage. This was inspired by the movie Battleship. Humans vs aliens. The enemy (6 players) will try to overtake the defenders (10). I know i will max out the scripts on this one, if any advanced scripters would like to help me with this project your help would be greatly appreciated. Edit: I have done a proof of concept.
Give Halo to Valve, that way we have regular updates that ACTUALLY work. AAAAAnd the competitive side will actually be competitive again
I've previously worked on an 'urban' style map called Colony, but I gave it up a while ago. Thoughts?
With all the great feedback, support, and faps (I`m looking at you @Demption ) I have received from my prior post here, I have been forging around the clock since I clocked out of work and will continue building for the next several days. Expect to see testing lobbies begin by this weekend or sometime next week! A few notes to add: The map has been branded the name "Terrace" and has been giving a more "autumn" aesthetic. I have implemented quite a few sneaky trick jumps to give the more agile players something to discover.
Overwatch has inspired me. If we get textures, I'm making a map in the style of Dorado. I could probably make a map like this right now, but I'm still gonna wait for the update to even turn on my Xbox. Here's to hoping we get that tiled roofing one day
I like all the new visual themes that I am seeing here, but I would note that what really makes a map unique is the synergy between interesting geometry and aesthetics. It's only half the game to make something that looks cool, whereas the other half is to make something that feels cool when you're fighting in it. Memorable gameplay experiences are something that I personally will appreciate far more than visuals, even boundary pushing ones. Any map can look amazing - dev maps for example almost always look great - but if the gameplay isn't compelling then it wont stand out (aka Halo 5). Therefore it's important to focus on what the gameplay offers. Of course there's nothing inherently wrong with a simple design. Just depends on what's unique about it. Also @Xandrith that map's theme is something that I've had in mind for a while, but i've been waiting for a moonlight skybox. I adore Overwatch's art style, especially that particular level.
Have you done any play testing on this map that everyone is drooling over yet? Did you make a blockout that you tested? Judging from your thread on reddit, you're not sure if it will play 2v2 or 4v4 yet. Visually it looks cool, but I value gameplay much more than aesthetics. Would certainly suck if you had to change the layout at all after investing all this time on aesthetics.