I played Riptide for the first time the other day and I thought the map was an over detailed mess, with paths blending into walls and depth being horribly misrepresented. I think we've reached a point where Forge maps are either starting to look better, or I'm personally starting to prefer how much more tasteful the detailing is. I like the geometry you have going on with the railings @no god anywhere , but when used in excess it will just become repetitive. There's nothing for the eye to rest on when there are monotonous patterns everywhere. Good design has a 70:30 rule, where there's 70% negative space and 30% detail around areas of interest. Detail should not be used to fill space, but instead to train the eye. But of course it's an art thing and people will disagree, so just be aware of it nonetheless.
Gotta say I'm really loving the look of the maps y'all have been putting out these last few days. Yevah and Sika, those are hot.
@no god anywhere I legitimately thought that wasn't forge on first glance. Seriously, great job so far. Definitely finish it as is and then get a feel from testers on whether it needs to be toned down or not, but for now there's no reason to not do as you're doing.
Thanks for the name drop @343 in the update. Appreciate it " Hydra Launcher: Typhon Enabled multi lock on for up to 4 targets Increased impact damage (still two rockets to kill Spartan)"
*closes laptop* *closes Forge* *closes Halo 5* *turns off Xbox* I'm done. Great work @no god anywhere Looking forward to seeing what you do with this map
Looks cool, but at the same time, it looks like an absolute cluster****. Please tell me it's an aesthetic map.