PolyG submitted a new map: Testament - 4v4/5v5 Asymmetric Slayer map. Also supports Strongholds. High Charity-themed. Read more about this map...
Excellent mastery of the covenant theme; covenant carbines, classic Halo 2 BRs, fuel rods, beam rifles and swords take you back to some of the most iconic missions of Halo 2.
*Sees review* *Realize I forgot to place BR spawns back on the map.* This will be rectified immediately! Also thank you!
PolyG updated TESTAMENT with a new update entry: Testament 1.5 + Halo 2 BRs, gravity lift fixes and weapon spawn times Read the rest of this update entry...
Haven't played on the map yet, but one thing I can already say is the lighting is absolutely beautiful. They it reflects off of the cylinder pillars really give the map a much more lively look. Will definitely be doing a Forge Showcase on my channel for this map. Channel name is FallenKingsGaming, gamertag is kingsewell28. Keep up the great work!
PolyG updated TESTAMENT with a new update entry: Testament Final Read the rest of this update entry...
PolyG updated TESTAMENT with a new update entry: SAW removed + file browser link Read the rest of this update entry...
I don't know, maybe having the Beam Rifle located in such a spot where there is only one way up (that the video showed), makes it a little to over powered. I'm not sure if you were going for the feeling of the actual Campaign missions where most places the Jackals sat at with Beam Rifles were hard to reach, but it doesn't really work for Multiplayer. Maybe if they had to trek across the map WITH the Beam Rifle to that location, OK, but since the weapon spawns up there, it makes that spot to easy to control. Also, I would work on the areas of the map that just seem to be empty voids. Other than that, good work.
That was me trying to incentivize players going downstairs in FFA and putting pressure on the gravity lifts... It shouldn't be up there in team modes...? I didn't forget to change that for team modes, did I? I did. Crap. Stay tuned. Another thing to note is that the video is from January. Quite a few significant changes have been made since then. Don't worry.
PolyG updated TESTAMENT with a new update entry: Testament ULTRA FINAL TRIPLE SUPER DELUXE 5000 GTR Read the rest of this update entry...