Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Apr 23, 2016.

By WAR on Apr 23, 2016 at 4:17 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

    Likes Received:
    The Forge team has been hard at work delivering us some amazing content and will continue to do so. We have seen a handful of items transferred into Forge that were originally located in warzone, the campaign and multiplayer maps. We can only assume that more assets from Halo 5 will be brought into forge in the future. I would love for the community to have a more direct approach in these selections so I am creating this thread as a place for everyone to list their favorite pre-built assets from Halo 5.

    Every month we will ask for you to nominate your top 5 favorite assets. These selections do not have to be your own findings. You will be able to nominate assets posted by yourself or other users that you favor the most. The assets with the most nominations will go into a top 10 list towards the end of each month. At this point everyone will have the ability to vote on the selections.

    Lets use this thread as the submission thread for this community wide effort. Please provide a name of the asset, the location / chapter where the object can be found and an image to support your submissions. Looking forward to see what you guys find!

    Covenant Fire Bowl
    Campaign: Sunaion
    Options: Customization of object and fire color
    #1 WAR, Apr 23, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Apr 23, 2016.

    1. FrostPhoenix0
      This is true if we only get one detailed thing.
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      Elite Holograms / Guardian hologram
      Campaign : Sunaion

      [​IMG] [​IMG]
      Covenant shield + Covenant barricade + Covenant crates !!
      Campaign : Swords of Sanghelios / Ennemy Lines / Sunaion

      Covenant Phantom
      Campaign : Ennemy lines
      Options : same as Pelicans

      Elite warriors giant statues
      Campaign : Swords of Sanghelios / Ennemy lines

      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      Covenant and Swords of Sangheilios banners
      Campaign : Sunaion / Sanghelios

      Destroyed Wraith
      Campaign : Swords of Sanghelios

      Spec-Ops drop pods + destroyed Phantom
      Campaign : Swords of Sanghelios

      Covenant relics + Covenant egyptian-themed wall (don't know if it is possible)
      Campaign : Chamber council (Swords of Sanghelios)

      Warzone : Escape from A.R.C.

      Mining vehicule
      Campaign : Meridian

      Forerunner shields
      Campaign : Kamtchaka

      Palm trees
      Warzone : Raid on Apex

      [​IMG] [​IMG]
      Urban assets (it would be cool for ODST-themed maps)
      Warzone : Battle of Noctus

      I would be happy with Covenant shields, Covenant crates and holograms.
      Trey928 2, Wally12, why and 8 others like this.
    3. Anarchy Kane
    4. Goat
      Duros already said Covenant was on the way in the distance future.
      Gabotron ES and Matt has Soul like this.
      Maybe more covenant pieces that are rounded of, droplet or eggshaped, like Truth and Regret, with the same textures. Slopes, walls, crates, floors, shields, doors, holographic stuff etc. So you can build a Truth and Reonciliationlike environment.

      Also completely barren trees, as in winter. They can create a better atmosphere for some maps.

      Maybe an option to block out weather and fog, like a huge kill volume so it can rain outside rather than indoors. (Sorry if this already exists and I overlooked it)

      A dusty desertlike canvas. (Yeah who doesn't want that?) With all rocks we have now in a sandy look.

      Blocks with an actual stone look, like an old pyramid or temple.

      I'm just saying stuff I really need right now lol
      Wally12 and Matt has Soul like this.
    6. FrostPhoenix0
      Fair enough, for wanting these things, but that's not the point of this thread I think. The Forge team mostly just takes existing objects and adds them to Forge. AFAIK, they don't really make new assets. So if you want these things (which we all do), you'll probably need to show where they come from in the campaign/warzone/arena.
      Yeah I'm sorry. I got carried away.
    8. Soldat Du Christ
      Soldat Du Christ
      Notice i said overhaul. A few things each update are certainly a step in the right direction, but having a few hi res assets pulled from other segments of the game files won't blend with the current selection we have available.
    9. Sn1p3r C
      Sn1p3r C
      Can't post a photo atm, but the ancient Sanghelli blades as scenery pieces, the ones on SoS that you could interact with - looked like stone.

      Also acceptable as a REQ variant, but then it'd delayed for Forge =(
    10. qrrby
      Shhhhhh they're giving us more pieces; don't worry, be happy
      Matt has Soul likes this.
    11. EXodusMachin4
      One thing I can say is that they should put in the breakable objects that in campaign and Warzone. I missed the older version of the pallets back in Halo 3 because you could use them for all sorts of things. Especially some things for infection or minigames that require you to break the pallets. I want breakable objects back and also the turrets. Covenant, human, Forerunner, whichever. The turrets from the dominion mode back in Halo 4 were interesting to test out. And I also agree with a lot of people, we need Covenant architecture and any other things Forerunner as well. More architectural pieces of any of those two would be fantastic to just have.
      PharmaGangsta1 likes this.
    12. Preacher001
      I personally would like to see an array of textures before going hog wild on assets. That being said a variety of waterfalls, stair variants, and the metal grate floors found everywhere would be nice. Honestly if I had to pick one asset it would be the grated floors, because they could be used in so many ways. I don't care if something is resource heavy, as long as we are given an opportunity to use it. Let us play the pro con of framerate.

      I think most people are aware of the framerate follies of a poorly lit and or object cluttered space by now. I would love to see a 10% hike in object limit. It would be beneficial to those who know how to use it and require a few more objects.

      @Soldat Du Chene I think the point here is to start bridging that gap.
    13. BodeyBode
      The holograms from truth.
      One is a giant ship and the other is a solar system i believe

      Want: ability to change color,
      Multiple size options
    14. qrrby
      I'm sure it's somewhere, but curved ramps, spheres and or curved corner pieces, presence-sensitive doors (utilize the boundary system), and like everyone has already said COVENANT PIECES
      CL0WN FAC3 likes this.
    15. CL0WN FAC3
      CL0WN FAC3

      Canisters, Chairs, and Trash Bags

      Campaign: Blue Team
      Options: Customization of object color

      Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
      Goat likes this.
    16. CL0WN FAC3
      CL0WN FAC3

      Tunnel Piece(s)

      Campaign: Blue Team
      Options: Customization of object color
      [​IMG] [​IMG]
    17. CL0WN FAC3
      CL0WN FAC3


      Campaign: Blue Team
      Options: Customization of object color, glass color, and elevator height[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
    18. CL0WN FAC3
      CL0WN FAC3

      Curved Railing

      Campaign: Blue Team
      Options: Customization of object color
      --- Double Post Merged, Apr 24, 2016 ---

      Campaign: Blue Team
      Options: Customization of object color

      Goat likes this.
    19. CL0WN FAC3
      CL0WN FAC3


      Campaign: Blue Team
      Options: Customization of object color
    20. CL0WN FAC3
      CL0WN FAC3

      Platforms (With Trusses), Supports, Staircase, and Wall/Barrier

      Campaign: Blue Team
      Options: Customization of object color
      [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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