Big update on Amethyst. I finally have a first working version of the map. Here are few pics: Spoiler: Images I'll try to simplify some of the geometry to lower my block count because I sit currently at MAX object count.
MultiLockOn. -Expresses disdain of how 343 is supposedly holding back content for the wrong reasons -Is holding back content on how to create Metal (For the wrong reasons???) Fix this, Mult.
I honestly feel like making metal isn't that hard in this game lol. It was a different story in H2A where you had to manipulate objects certain ways in order to make an entire map of metal. Now you have color & metallic options on every object. Tutorial: select any piece from any list. Now set metallic to 10. Now set the color to black or any dark shade of gray. Welcome to metal \m/
That would be funny huh. If there were a cc actually holding back information on forging techniques...wonder who that could be. It's not ACTUALLY metal, it's just a unique looking aesthetic similar to how metal was unique to h2a.
There sure is a lot of not showing this "Unique Aesthetic" going on right now. Y'know how you could fix that?
MultiLockOn is the loose cannon cop on the edge of the CCs. "Members are whining about symmetrical maps on Forgehub!" "GET ME MULTILOCKON - HIS UNIQUE AND CONTENTIOUS BRAND OF EDUCATIONAL VITRIOL IS PRECISELY WHAT THE COMMUNITY NEEDS TO HEAR" "But sir, he's in Waypoint prison after physically assaulting those kids doing the react videos!" "GET HIM OUT."
So you hinted that you discovered a neat thing about Forge, and you were going to show it. You didn't do that for over a month, and then you spent time on a controversial video. And after all that, you plan on jumping ship to a new game, still withholding knowledge of a possible technique that could expand more approaches to design in Forge. Alright then.
Funny story, my girlfriend actually used to do those teens react videos. 1: It's just an aesthetic, that's it. Do I need to post every single aesthetic I come up with here so we can all coexist as one communist hive mind with the same technique? The maps not even done. 2: in what world is that video relevant to this discussion? all? And for the record, I spent less than a day on it. Sounds like misdirected anger. 3: there actually IS a cartographer who has knowledge on how to fix scripted grouped objects for months now but doesn't tell anyone lol. I'M not a community cartographer, and I certainly shouldn't be held to the same standards. 4: I've said for a while now I have no interest in Halo. And Doom looks nice.
I suppose not, but doing something like that when he has voiced his thoughts about 343 and certain Cartographers doing something similar rubs me the wrong way. But it's his decision to cut ties with Forge and move forward. Hope he finds what he's looking for.
It's not serious at all haha It won't even be well received. There are no secrets we're witholding, no tricks or scripts, all we do is use pieces differently like in H2A. Idk why anybody would be upset about not seeing it since everyone thought we were morons in H2A
... Are you kidding. Are you really comparing me coming up with an aesthetic to all the bullshit of the last 6 years of the CC's? Have you ever thought critically in your life?
Totally got back into forge again. Started a base design and saved. I then started this really complex natural terrain ramp that curved & sloped, then I grouped a 6 item group & then duplicated it. CRASHED halo. Gave up.