Jack Bell submitted a new map: Gilded Sanctum - Ancient gold infused water treatment facility. Worshipped by early human settlers Read more about this map...
Jack Bell updated Gilded Sanctum with a new update entry: after feedback I adjusted every doorway and sightline Read the rest of this update entry...
Jack Bell updated Gilded Sanctum with a new update entry: New screenshots, New walkthrough and flyhtrough clips Read the rest of this update entry...
Played a 3v3 on it. seemed to flow pretty well, great visuals of course, the cylinders make grenade bounces interesting, and the teleports keep the bases from becoming deadends. One con I find is the grav-lift because of how open it sets you.
I played a few matches last night as well and noticed exactly what you spoke of, I just updated the map with a wall between the atrium lift and middle. I think this should help the flow of the map and allow people to use the lift with more cover. I will post some pics of the change.
Jack Bell updated Gilded Sanctum with a new update entry: wall between atrium and center Read the rest of this update entry...
Jack Bell updated Gilded Sanctum with a new update entry: Newest update 1.3 added pathways from bottom atrium/camo to top BR corner Read the rest of this update entry...
Jack Bell updated Gilded Sanctum with a new update entry: photos of the newest update hallways Read the rest of this update entry...
Jack Bell updated Gilded Sanctum with a new update entry: Version 1.4! - finesse (new photos soon) Read the rest of this update entry...
Jack Bell updated Gilded Sanctum with a new update entry: MM version is done! Final lights and aesthetic touches Read the rest of this update entry...
Jack Bell updated Gilded Sanctum with a new update entry: Feedback from max extra lobby Read the rest of this update entry...
I really enjoyed this map when i went through and played it, but id like to get another game or two on it before reviewing it so that I may have more to say on it. I believe we already talked on some of the things i thought would help the map out after the last forged friday, and i believe you said you've changed them. Im interested to play again and see how it goes. I had some reservation as to the strong hold in bottom being to secluded, but as the game progressed so did the understanding of how to play the map and I feel like though it is out of site it is pretty well incorporated with the rest. Great work
I look forward to seeing you play the new version on stream tonight with some different game types, I appreciate all the great feedback and look forward to your review when you get more tests in. I am really trying to get this one into some competitive 2v2 - 4v4 MM play Take care, LoTuS
This was last weeks feed back on the map summarized. I believe you watched the video but i like to write it down too. Teleporters need more for oddball, one way going up or dont support oddball darken glass drop storm rifles in favor of smg Back gold clamber routes Im always here if you need help
I've made some sandbox changes again from Max's feedback lobby: - Beam Rifle is now located under the Atrium to encourage more movement to that side of the map and I removed the middle atrium lift to also encourage use of sneaky routes. - OS is now bottom basement. - Moved Storm Rifles to bottom RED/BLUE sneaky and cut ammo to 50% - The gold clamber routes are now a single climber to a small lift to speed up vertical travel time to BR towers. - Oddball with two-way teleporters caused some serious issues so I made some serious changes to the teleporters gameplay on the map. - BALL and BOMB teleporters go one-way from basement to back base now. - CTF teleporters go one-way from back base to basement. SLAYER and STRONGHOLDS retain two-way teleporters for that was the initial design intent. I would like to have you test Slayer and the objectives again with the changes and see how it plays for the group now. Thanks again!
Jack Bell updated Gilded Sanctum with a new update entry: DOWNLOAD LINK and sandbox changes Read the rest of this update entry...