LVLP Billiam submitted a new map: The Hunger Games Arena - Use with mode Hunger games. 2-8 people. Made by LVLP Billiam Read more about this map...
LVLP Billiam updated The Hunger Games Arena with a new update entry: The increased player update Read the rest of this update entry...
LVLP Billiam updated The Hunger Games Arena with a new update entry: The Larger Map update Read the rest of this update entry...
LVLP Billiam updated The Hunger Games Arena with a new update entry: The Water Update Read the rest of this update entry...
Nice! The one Hunger Games map I made was literally a re-skin of Deadlock, and the only other one I've seen was a total mess.
I hadn't seen yours. A friend of mine made a map with bright green fog so dense you couldn't see to melee, and it took up all of Alpine.
Thanks a lot! Currently this weird glitch won't allow me to make maps in the Parallax canvas, so I can't really make this map that I have wanted to make for a long time. Hope it's fixed soon.
LVLP Billiam updated The Hunger Games Arena with a new update entry: Download Link Read the rest of this update entry...
Yeah in case your wondering why it says I posted an update called "Download Link" but theres nothing, it's because I really did post it, but I removed it because it was not working. Sorry!
LVLP Billiam updated The Hunger Games Arena with a new update entry: Map Link Read the rest of this update entry...