Maze Reclaimer submitted a new map: Forgotten Sanctuary - FreeforAll and 2v2. Vertical. Supports CTF, Strongholds and an Assualt Variant. Read more about this map...
too big for 2v2, cover is in awkward places. structure is uncomfortable, looks like something you threw together in like 2 hours. i recommend named locations, and even the weapons are put in awkward places. the saw is on a tiny rock held up by a tiny support in a cramped area of the map that nobody will go to. power weapons = power position, and from where the weapons were, they looked like you were in a hurry. think about positions, and how they affect gameplay. if you have more questions i can talk on the weekends GT-sniping ninja45
This is mainly an Aesthetic map so I've clarified that in the description. Is the gameplay or aesthetics that you mean I built up in 2 hours? I know what mean when you say power positions/power weapons, on this map I tried making the risk vs reward factor. Usually I put named locations down but this map is so small and really only for a bit of fun anyways. If you would like check out My map Jul Mdamas Camp, that is more balanced for gameplay. Make sure you try out Slayer, Strongholds and CTF on it. Im new here on Forge Hub and haven't had much feedback, so any feedback I do get I take into account, I'm pretty much the lone forger. Thanks, Maze Also don't judge the map based on the video alone, I don't believe you have played the map since you are not in the followers list. Personally I like 3v3 but some peoples play style like slow paced. I've played on this map quite a bit and plays fine, really it's not just Aesthetic.