GamerPeepFreaks submitted a new map: Rasad - Competitive map for 4v4, 4v4v4v4, or 8v8 Read more about this map...
GamerPeepFreaks updated Rasad with a new update entry: Added O.S., shotgun, and a lower mid! Read the rest of this update entry...
really good structure, however, (and this is just from the first look; btw plz add more pictures) this map looks very plain. with not much cover, it is too symmetrical and it can boring. i have not personally played on it though. also from what i see in your pictures, there is not much verticality, aesthetics, or real inspiration. always try to max out your budget count because from what i see i dont really see it going past 600 or so. lastly, this map looks very small for a 4v4, again more pictures with spartan in the picture for scale, and i would see it working as a 2v2. there needs to be multiple ways to get to every place, meaning so that people dont get pushed into a corner. multiple floored levels can very much improve many maps, but try working on many jumps or tricks that arent too common but can help a person when in trouble to get to safety. -sleepydeadpool (GT: SNIPING NINJA45)
Thanks for the response. The pictures are out dated and i will update them today. There is actually enough cover just is not noticeable in the picture (again they are outdated). You have to play on the map to get a good feel of it. Thanks for the feedback!
Great map all together in my opinion. Lighting could be a bit better but i don't think you could've done much about that with Halo 5 lighting. Love the scale and most of the cover in the map. Great timing to each weapon and good balance of the OS. Those two towers were a great idea and do balance out top middle a lot. Looks great! Hope to see another one of your maps soon!
Thanks everyone for the great feed back... Really helps me out on making my content better for you guys
I will be adding it to my list of maps for testing as I am in dire need of symmetric maps for flag and bomb. I believe this map needs a ton of work but believe me we will get through the rough parts and make it shine on the other side. Xdemption
GamerPeepFreaks updated Rasad with a new update entry: Thank you all! v2.0! Read the rest of this update entry...
GamerPeepFreaks updated Rasad with a new update entry: Done with this map, thank you to all who helped. Read the rest of this update entry...
GamerPeepFreaks updated Rasad with a new update entry: Overhauled, polished, revamped Read the rest of this update entry...