GT: DrupplerRadar MAP: Tesla [WIP] GAMETYPE: Strongholds/Slayer Consider for UCC (yes/no): Yes Attending
Wow Friday already. I totally forgot to say I would be attending until I woke up this morning. So yes I will be there, no map though
I have to play a last minute gig tonight so I won't be able to join you guys, but I have made more updates to Power Strip since play testing it last night. The most recent version is 2.2 and features some pretty radical changes to the map. I still have version 2.0 in my file share so keep an eye out for that. Thanks for testing it!
Probably way too late to post this, but in case the night goes quickly i'll throw this on the end. GAMERTAG: xXxMENTALxXx MAP: Ruins GAMETYPE: Strongholds / Slayer WIP or MAP post link (optional): Consider for UCC: Yes Attending: Yes Added some of the new foliage as well as minor updates to weapons/spawns/jumps etc. Eliminated framerate issues to the best of my knowledge. Gt-SCALLY RAINBOW MAP-POUNDERS Neautral flag 1v1v1v1 or 2v2v2v2 or 3v3v3v3 or 4v4v4v4 more there is, the more crazy it is.cameras need done. Prob to late but like to here your view on this. Start weapon rockets or snipers.any thing powerfull .ground pound is mostly what is more for fun!! Forged out off truth with stunning strange look.aim for the colour on floor to get to base! Needler infront off base.respawns on lifts and actually work in giving you a fighting chance. --- Double Post Merged, Apr 8, 2016 --- Red blue green yellow teams
we where on the last map i think when i got your message. we will have a lobby going again next week so feel free to join then ill make sure to add you!
Great stream! I went back and watched a bunch. There were some very cool maps of all variety coming out of the community. I started bookmarking immediately after I stopped watching. I took all of the feedback on "Gilded Sanctum 1.4" to make a few final touches on the "MM" version. Here's what I found very helpful from the stream and I agreed with. - I got rid of the weapon pad OS and replaced with normal OS. Truly it was a test because I like HCE's static power up times (being an old CE junky) but it just doesn't work with he visual issue in h5. - now it's 1 shotty clip and 30 second after drop spawn. Was trying a minute with more ammo, didn't work. - moved the BR to a leaning position on the outside gold wall of the elbows to encourage less "campy" behavior and pop with more contrast to the map. The opening spawns although jarring on first play through were designed with a strategical opening engagement in mind. With the immediate choice to turn around and teleport to fight in basement for the beam rifle. Or push up to the BR's DMR and OS. It's different, but it works for a 2v2 strategy and replay ability. 2v2 was the original intent for this map. It was my try hard map for the contest. The 4v4 tests are always a little hectic but in a good way. If you could test a 2v2 - 4v4 Slayer and a Oddball gametype for me the next time on "Gilded Sanctum MM" I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you again, you are doing good work.
My map was highrise, for those who tested it: THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK! First I'll mention sorry if you didn't like the game type, it is a 4v4 map (Imo) so i thought multi team would give the proper team sizes, but still play like an over filled ffa. The glass staircase: I was curious if people would like or hate it and I'm glad someone (GSM?) gave feedback on it, I'm having a little hang up removing it though. In GSM's issue* if the opponent was heading up the stairs, you can approach by jumping the gap on the same floor, if they are going down the stairs, there are only two or three (depending on color) options for them, that you both could reach at the same time (using radar). This takes a little map knowledge and use of radar, so I'm not sure if i should remove this little ambush game since the map is new. Interaction between floors: I will work on having drop spots and/or making the floors overlap less. Cover: The new crates seemed to help great with breaking sight lines and adding some depth to some of the long halls. Colors: Someone mentioned that if the map has four colors, it should be 4 way symmetrical, but since the map is 2 way (inverse) symmetrical it should only have 2 colors. I would be okay with this as long as it helped and not hurt the majority on understanding the flow. Misc.: the grid is temporary ftr. No one used the man cannon to get to the roof of the red and blue hallways, still waiting for feedback there. Edit: I just found that my map was played twice , I'll try to at responses and thank yous later *GSM's issue was that he could see someone across a glass window, unable to reach the opponent on adjacent staircase, or see a quick way to the neigboring floor to catch him.
We would love to play it again and help it out further. Just make sure to post it again using the Submission Form on the OP for ease of use on me and ill have it set to go next week! No problem at all! Thanks for submitting it. If you want us to play it more just submit it again and we can play it again next week
GAMERTAG: i LoTuS i MAP: Gilded Sanctum MM Gametype: 4v4 Team Slayer or 4v4 Oddball MAP post link: Consider for UCC: yes 2v2-4v4 Slayer is the main focus, Oddball, CTF, Assault, and Strongholds all work if you want to mix it up. MAP: Dimensions GAMETYPE: Breakout FFA (in my files) or if you want teams Breakout Arena MAP Link: Consider for UCC (yes/no) If they look at Breakout alt maps heck yeah This is built to be a unique 1v1 in 4 different spaces that connect with teleporters after the initial fight. !!!THIS IS 8 PEOPLE ONLY!!! MAP: Battle Canyon GAMETYPE: 4v4 CTF or Assault MAP link: UCC: Yes MAP: Convicted GAMETYPE: 4v4 Team Slayer MAP link: UCC: Yes MAP: Delinquent GAMETYPE: 6-8 FFA or Team Slayer MAP link: UCC: no
Well, i'd like to throw my hat into the ring as well. Thread: Gt: herrmittmann Map: grizzly 0.6 Modes: bt slyer, bt ctf, bt strongholds
GAMERTAG: Caustic Kirby MAP Insantoriuinium GAMETYPE:4v4 Slayer WIP or MAP post link: UCC:yes Attending:maybe
Heeyyyy... remember Aegae, the Greek map that no one could pronounce?? I've updated it quite a bit since last month, including changing the name to Proteus, changing some geometry, and adding gametypes. With that said- GT - PharmaGangsta1 Map - Proteus Gametype - 2v2 Strongholds I haven't received any feedback regarding how strongholds plays, and I'm anxious to see it in action. It's meant to be very fast paced, and will require a lot of map knowledge to get around hill to hill. P.S. Don't freak out when blue team spawns right next to a stronghold and red spawns in a separate corner. (Hint: Use the teleporter).
GAMERTAG: The ianinator MAP: Discard GAMETYPE: Team slayer WIP or MAP post link (optional): WIP Consider for UCC (yes/no); No Attending (yes/no): No
GAMERTAG: Vorked Manback MAP: Mirage GAMETYPE: Slayer or CTF (You decide) WIP or MAP post link (optional): Consider for UCC (yes/no): Yes Attending (yes/no): No (Can't make it there) Thanks for all feedback I can get.
I have a few more maps I would ike to have tested other than Gilded Sanctum MM. The feedback is greatly appreciated on stream. I edited my earlier post with them. Thank you again.
GAMERTAG: A 3 Legged Goat MAP: Ashlands (Alpha) GAMETYPE: 4v4 Assault and Capture the Flag WIP post link : Consider for UCC (yes): Yes Attending: Maybe