Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. Captain Punch
      Captain Punch
      I had a similar issue on Parallax. We fixed it by holding blocks in its way until it spawned closer and closer to the safe area, eventually just spawning and plopping onto the cube we used.
    2. D4rkDeath
      Someone had suggested this to me as well, I tried cubes and all kinds of flooring/objects and had no luck.
    3. Garrett757
      Encountered a bug where I could not select or ungroup two floating gungooses. I ungrouped every other object on the map, even went through process of elimination(without saving) where I deleted multiple objects at a time until I was left with an aobject count of 2 which were only the 2 gun gooses and still could not delete them. I tried grouping and ungrouping multiple object hoping they would somehow get grouped... it wouldn't work. The only way I fixed it was to lock every single object on the map (808 in total) and then go into map settings and delete all ungrouped. It worked but was a pain in the ass. Just relaying a helpful tip to a very annoying bug.
      Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
      a Chunk likes this.
    4. Doctor Squishy
      Doctor Squishy
      I would like to report a possible bug involving smooth movements with scripting objects. I will copy everything I had in my post to here from this thread:

      [Contents of Said Post]
      What I am Trying to Do:
      I am trying to script a Floor [128x64x4] to move down 128 Feet in 8 seconds then despawn, then Reset it's position, and then spawn again. I am doing this in attempt to create a moving wall that constantly goes down creating the illusion that you are going up on a platform.

      The Issue: The timing should be right; however I keep getting this weird issue were the walls 'bounce' up and down as they translate downward. Here is a link of the script in action:

      EDIT: I have a bit better setup but still have not found a solution that is consistently smooth every time. (Still getting the bumpy/bouncy movement)

      CURRENT SETUP: [Block 128 x 64 x4 Scripts]
      <Condition> On Power: State
      Channel Alpha
      State On​
      <Action> Move: Offset
      Y/Vertical -256.00
      Time 16.00
      Local Movement On​

      <Condition> On Power: State
      Channel Alpha
      State Off​
      <Action> Move: Offset
      Y/Vertical -256.00
      Time 16.00
      Local Movement On​

      <Condition> On Timer
      Initial Delay 16.00
      Repeat Timer 16.00​
      <Action> Position/Rotation:Reset
      Velocity: Reset Off
      Time 0.00​

      [Script Brain]

      <Condition> On Timer
      Initial Delay 16.00
      Repeat Timer 16.00​
      <Action> Power: Set
      Channel: Alpha
      State: Toggle​

      Old Setup for the Floors [128x64x4]:
      <Condition> On Timer
      Initial Delay 0.00
      Repeat Timer 16.00​
      <Action> Move: Offset
      Z/Vertical -256.00
      Time 16.00
      Local Movement Off​
      <Condition> On Timer
      Initial Delay 0.10
      Repeat Timer 16.00​
      <Action> Move: Offset
      Z/Vertical -256.00
      Time 16.00
      Local Movement Off​
      <Condition> On Timer
      Initial Delay 0.20
      Repeat Timer 16.00​
      <Action> Move: Offset
      Z/Vertical -256.00
      Time 16.00
      Local Movement Off​
      <Condition> On Timer
      Initial Delay 16.00
      Repeat Timer 16.00​
      <Action> Position/Rotation:Reset
      Velocity: Reset Off
      Time 0.00​
    5. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
      When generating lighting if you spam x before it finishes you can 'accidentally' access the forge menu, however the game crashes immediately, it doesn't happen 100% of the time as there is a few frames where you are still in forge mode and the menu is brought up there but when it is brought up on the player mode it crashes.
    6. Erupt
      The Breakout Triagle 32x32x26 renders as a 32x32x4 at a distance, so if you are using it as a wall then at a distance it just shrinks its height and exposes whatever is behind it.. Odd
      Xandrith likes this.
    7. Skull0fDeath
    8. ShinraSOLDIER77
      With the new update, Two-way shield doors just behave like shields, not allowing players to pass at all on neutral, they work as intended when set to a team, but only that team can pass through (which is how it should be).

      One-way shield doors sorta work on neutral, but maybe I'm just crazy but I feel that it's reversed, as in the side you're suppose to be blocked going through you can go through, while the side you should go through blocks you. when set to a team, the team it's set to go can go through both way's, while all other teams get the same behavior as if it was set to neutral, with the reversed sides roles being reversed (which is an interesting behavior).

      I made a clip, I'll post a link to it when it shows up on

      edit: both shield doors are set to neutral in this video, making another to demonstrate the whole report I posted above to relieve any misunderstandings.

      edit 2: updated video showing every case of both types with different, neutral, to same team designated doors
      Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
    9. BodeyBode
      I don't follow your argument. According to the video you provided, the first shield (blue) worked properly as a one way shield door. The second (red i assume) worked properly by not allowing a blue player to walk through.
    10. ShinraSOLDIER77
      They're both set to neutral, they aren't colored, considering they're named two way and one way, they should allow any team player to pass through both sides of the two way, and the one way should only allow any team to pass through one end, however the side that the is clearly labeled as the "you can not pass" side allows you to pass while the other side that look like "oh you can pass through me" doesn't allow you to pass, I'll make a more indepth video with different colored shield doors instead of just neutral shield doors to show exactly what I mean.

      edit: updated original post with new video to demonstrate what I'm talking about, if the one way was working as intended, then why does it become a 2 way when set to the same team as I am (incase of the video, red team). Neutral one-way works sorta, but why am I able to pass through the side that has an x label on it, to me that says I can't pass, but I can, and on the clear side I can't pass when I feel like I should. Two way neutral just doesn't allow any team to pass at all.
      Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
    11. NOKYARD
      Are one way shields supposed to be destructible? Is there a setting i am missing?
    12. Xandrith
    13. Duke of Mearl
      Duke of Mearl
      Grouping objects and changing parent objects makes the grouped objects move (they move to a random location on your map) and pulls a random object from somewhere else in the map to where the grouped objects originally where. Noticed this on Parallax Ascendance canvas
    14. Goat
      ugh this is so annoying
      Captain Punch likes this.
    15. Verses Fatum
      Verses Fatum
      I'm experiencing a problem on default maps where when I move close to the outside of the map, I start to stick to the wall, and when I start to spawn an item and I move it anywhere near the boundaries of the map, the item just zooms off out of the map, either dragging me inside the map and blowing me up, or just not wishing to cooperate and continues to drag itself out of the map, forcing me to delete the item and trying again for a few more minutes...

      I'm just wondering how this update could have screwed stuff up, its not the worst thing, but it is annoying :p
    16. why
      I’m not sure if this is a bug or not but I can’t get props (specifically dice) to be pushed through blocker walls. The die is set to normal physics and the blocker wall is set to phased while both objects are on the same team. I’ve tried each type of invisible blocker but none of them allow props to be pushed through. I want players to be able to walk across the blocker wall while objects go straight through. This can be achieved using the one-way shield but the problem with that is that the shield can be destroyed. Here’s a video that demonstrates the bug:

      The description of the blocker wall is the following:

      I think this is a bug because it states that if the blocker and object are on the same team the object should be able to pass through, which it’s not doing. A possible workaround in my cause would be to find a way to make the one-way shield indestructible while still allowing objects to pass through and without modifying the damage of weapons and attacks; which I don't how that could be achieved.
      Yumudas Beegbut likes this.
    17. Duke of Mearl
      Duke of Mearl
      Invisible lifts seemed to be blocking people from going through in custom games, will have to confirm later
    18. Goat
    19. thefro3po
      Setting Glacier to nighttime puts me into an infinite generating lighting loop. :(
      Yumudas Beegbut and Erupt like this.
    20. Octuplepuma
      I have encountered anew bug after this new update, every time i load one of my maps i can't spawn, move, forge, or anything! this is not related to spawns because i have tried different maps of mine, and each map has spawns, also i have tried my maps without any spawns and they work just fine. i dont know what to do :( i've lost around 5-8 maps today.
      CaptainDireWolf likes this.

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