I remember having an almost functional version of your gametype( it was like a combination of stockpile and ricochet) it just needed some fine tuning plus a my fully functional generator defense gametype, that's when I stopped modding. Honestly h4 low population numbers and MCC's failure made me stop cooking gametypes Meh, it's a real pity we can't write Megalo scripts for Halo 5, it's pretty obvious the gametypes still running on it. Halo 5 forge scripting +Megalo scripting = crazy fun times
Halo 5 is far from great, and the more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm with Xandrith.
It's probably best to stop or take a break from forging without announcing it, because chances are that the same interest that caused your start will be the reason for your return. It is pretty tough to hold what you envision as a solid design to yourself without bringing it into physical form. I say that from my own experience. I never enjoyed throwing legos around for hours, but it's a special thing when a project goes from a concept to a playable map.
@Xandrith we'd love to push forward Marina in your memory. It was a blast to play and it'd be a shame to have it disappear from the community.
Honestly, can we stop bitching about forge and Halo 5? Either play or don't, forge or don't, just don't bring your constant negativity here, it's tiring.
When have I been negative about forge before this? I was one of the most optimistic people, but this game took it out of me. I'm sorry if my words upset you. Anyways, to go along with the "negativity"
Have you made those super cool and Completely Original™ gametypes using mod **** in Halo 4 yet? In development at one point they mentioned that Halo 5 is the first mainline title to not be using an interation of the BLAM! engine. I mean granted, plenty of stuff was ported over, but it's apparently using a completely unique engine.
I agree man. It's like a month ago this was the best forge yet, now everyone hates it. Let's not forget what we had in h2a and halo 4 compared to now. It's just a hobby I don't understand why people let it consume them. I feel like if we had everything we wanted people would still find things to ***** about. Requesting upgrades and pointing out issues is one thing, constantly bitching about the game in general is another. If you don't enjoy it simply don't forge or play halo 5.