Post Your Unpopular Halo or Forge Opinions

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Goat, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Finally got a chance to read these posts Multi. Good stuff. Just don't tell Lemon you like the button combos in H2.
    MultiLockOn and Xandrith like this.
  2. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Lol. I understand why he doesn't like them, and he's not wrong.

    But in the case of halo 2 I think it's better that they're there as opposed to not there.

    Edit: are you ever going to 1v1 me chunk lol
    a Chunk likes this.
  3. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Yeah, I'm with you. I had a little debate with him about it on Beyond at one point.
    I'll 1v1 you. It'll be really fast though, lol. I'm absolutely terrible at this game. Probably won't have much time until after the 2v2 testing is done though.
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  4. Box Knows

    Box Knows Mythic
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  5. Doju

    Doju Promethean
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    People can argue Halo 3 as a whole experience

    Halo 3 2 v 2 Narrows being considered better than CE, aint bothering to argue that ****.


    Couple of things on the post

    -H3 BR is 1.53 seconds. Reach DMR is 1.6, but beats out due to that kill time being consistent at any length

    -ct is nowhere near the most famous halo player for knowledge for world, hes known in small circles, thats it. He never actually released that book, last time I spoke to him he said a lot of information is out dated now. MCC I think burned him pretty hard and he doesnt care for H5.

    -(Being picky) when mentioning CE players, the best now are Ogre 2, Patch, Harris and Legend, the four horseman.

    -Halo 3 wouldnt be better with faster timers, the BR couldnt cope against items at half the time (generally why its a terrible 2 v 2 experience, doubles needs faster timers but the BR cant handle it)
    MultiLockOn, Xandrith and a Chunk like this.
  6. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    Xandrith liking every post on Forgehub.

    I've gotten likes from him before I even hit the "post reply" button. Slow your roll bruh!
    purely fat likes this.
  7. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    get on xbox
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  8. Wahrer

    Wahrer Legendary

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    I'm a big quantum shitbird when it comes to recent advancements in quality-of-life technology and general infrastructure (e.g. things like cloud storage / cloud saves) and how they've come to affect gaming. I kept up with H5G's development since the original announcement and once the vidocs started coming out, it became extremely clear to me that H5G was going to be utilizing a more recent business strategy of Microsoft's in that it's touted as more of a "games as a service" product, rather than a "games as a good" one the way past titles in the franchise have been. Granted, that's been in part because of the updates to LIVE framework and dedicated budget / sustain team in 343i allowing Halo 5 to be extremely modular at its core, with especially huge updates like Forge coming through months after launch. Now, granted, a lot of people were crying foul because it was launching with a relatively barebones feature set and using its free DLC grace period to make it a "full game" on par with past titles, but tbh in our current gaming landscape I would way rather have had Halo 5 launch the way it did with incredibly strong core gameplay and relatively stable usage, especially in wake of launches like MCC or Assassin's Creed: Unity rather than having an at-launch feature set on par with a title like Reach.

    Most of the pitfalls in development and distribution of resources at 343 I can generally see being attributed to Microsoft rather than 343 themselves choosing to make questionable design decisions, and - I mean, if we're being realistic here - a Frankenstein's monster of gamedev talent being choreographed by Microsoft at the first-party level that was able to go from launches like Halo 4 and The Master Chief Collection (which, mind you, were also largely outsourced to satellite associates like Certain Affinity) to a "sophomore effort" in Halo 5 in just a couple of years is nothing short of amazing to me. There are obviously things I may still not be 100% on board with like certain aesthetics they choose to run with when it comes to the art style of the Covenant, lore ****, etc. but Halo 5's release has shown me that 343, in just about every corner imaginable - from the music, to the encounter design, to the gunplay - clearly does appreciate what "classic Halo" brought to the table and does appropriate it within their philosophies when relevant, even if they do still have a relatively clear direction they hope to go in that may not be entirely in parallel with Bungie-led Halo titles.

    I see Halo 5 as more of a generational platform than a simple iterative title, and honestly I'd be extremely surprised if we saw Halo 6 outright launched on the Xbox One and not as a frontrunner next-gen to perform a similar utility. The modular nature of everything they're churning out now from Warzone's reused playspaces to shared aesthetics, geometry, setpieces, etc. amongst UNSC sites and other similar portions of their overall design spectrum have been seen as a weakness by many, but it's also allowing for things like monthly updates and hotfixes to Forge, including completely unique pieces and adjustments to the UI. We're getting to spawn in Pelican props and the interactive drills, pistons, and platforms we can spawn in are the very same used by the devs when creating maps like Torque or Fathom. The palette and matte-metallic systems along with primitives are allowing us to create stylistically unique maps that don't look like hodgepodges of legos megabloks that exist to serve a greater role in gameplay, but rather allow us to create maps entirely of our own design.

    Like, I mean, I can get where a lot of veteran Halo fans are coming from (I personally started out with Halo PC in 2003) and why so many fans new and old jumped ship come Halo 4 post-launch and likewise with the MCC, but holy ****, if you told me 343 would be launching Combat Evolved 2 in 2015 with an arena map editor that allowed for **** like the Great Griddle or High Citadel to be made in just a couple of days along with some of the strongest launch sandbox balance, encounter design and gunplay in the franchise, I never would have believed you!

    tl;dr cry more, bungie apologists
  9. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I actually hate Destiny, and I am just not a fan of halo 5. My big thing is competitive 2v2 is not getting any love by developers. I mean of course you have other player counts in the game. But why know 2v2 love? That is just my bias opinion and I cannot do much about it. Also, way to much overlap in the sandbox. You can still do the warzone weapons. You can do more warzone weapons because you are spending less time trying to balance all these weapons that are similar and have a better rock paper scissors system with the sandbox. I don't care for what the movement options are. I can deal with them though. I cannot deal with the bullet magnetism. I hate the fact that friction over the player model makes your sensitivity slower than one. Makes using precision weapons useless in close range except for the sniper but that is another problem completely. Auto's kill to fast. Also, you don't even need to have your cursor on someones head to get head shot and I have had this massive deadzone only in my aim and it only happens on H5.

    Honestly, if they keep supporting the game it will end up probably playing pretty well. When you want to put a bunch of stuff in a game it is better to make a bunch of different stuff. Games can still be modular give more diversity in the experience.

    This was a very negative post based on the closing statement. Bungie is corrupt. They are causing people time gambling problems.

    Hopefully, the money they are receiving from reqs will be spent wisely.
    Xandrith likes this.
  10. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
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    I really like the lighting system in halo 5
    purely fat likes this.
  11. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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  12. Pat Sounds

    Pat Sounds Legendary
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    I may not be the first to the punch, but here's an unpopular opinion I hold..

    I'm tired of remakes. I'm sick of playing sandtrap, lockout, guardian, valhalla, etc. Don't get me wrong, they are great maps - but I've been playing these levels for years now. It baffles me that so many forgers out there invest time re-doing something that's already been done. It's like watching an amazing cover band - you can respect the skills that go into it, but at the end of the day, they draw attention away from people doing new things.

    I'd rather play a map that's shaped like a giant **** than a perfect remake of Lockout.
  13. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Lucky for you I have both.

    And for the ultra meta, invisible lockout :)
    Pat Sounds likes this.
  14. Killmachine91

    Killmachine91 Legendary
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    I hate maps with weird power weapons. Can't stand playing ones that have Fuel Rods or Gravity Hammers as them just so they can be different from other maps.

    Also hiya, lurker, just signed up.
    a Chunk and MultiLockOn like this.
  15. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
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    I believe that CC's are doing the best they can with the tools and tasks they have at hand, any blame they receive is rooted in the system that 343i has created. If we learn better to articulate our problems instead of kicking and screaming you might actually be heard. In light of recent events I think the argument of corrupt Cartographers is a senseless banter as they do this out of their own free time. That being said, they are doing this because they care so give them the respect they deserve.

    /end rant
    Skyward Shoe likes this.
  16. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't like when people abuse positions for personal gain or when they kiss asses. Also the fact that a certain group of people think it is necessary to continue this discussion about the CC's it is a dead horse now. Every point in the world has been made and people have elaborated enough on their personal gripes.

    Drop it.
  17. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Halo's still dad.
    Buddy Jumps, Xandrith and MultiLockOn like this.
  18. Pat Sounds

    Pat Sounds Legendary
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    I'm sure you're saying this with a little bit of humor in mind, and this is not directed at you personally, but I'd like to say I appreciate that he's at least making an effort to be inclusive. Ignoring maps from new members or being needlessly harsh on them (I'm thinking of a certain 'Ninja' here) will almost certainly make them give up and stop forging. Then we will all miss out on potentially great maps from these members down the road. I've made some stinkers myself, and having some positive reinforcement, however vapid it may be, was just as valuable to the learning process as receiving some in-depth criticism. Getting ZERO feedback is almost worse than getting negative feedback.

    In real life, people have tried to sell me on the position of "Be brutally honest, even if you hurt someone's feelings. It's better to tell it like it is because then people know when you're really complimenting them". This is a bullshit position to take, and a shield for assholes to hide behind. Anyone with an iota of social skills can pick up on the difference between someone who really believes what they're saying and someone who is just being nice for the sake of politeness. I play in several bands and after every show there's a slew of people saying "good set man! you guys sounded great!". 90% of them don't really mean it, and that can be frustrating at times when you know in your heart that your set blew chunks, but I still appreciate the attempt at being nice.

    You can be right or you can be wrong, but if you're a ****, you're still a **** either way. I for one think the dude is a G and appreciate his blanket enthusiasm...I don't feel like as much of a nerd for naming myself after a Beach Boys album now.
    AnonomissX, Xandrith and Given To Fly like this.
  19. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
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    The problem with brutal honesty is people cannot take it. Everyone nowadays is soft when it comes to criticism. I honestly would rather have people tell me I am dog **** so I know I need to get better. People being fake is different than being polite. You can be brutally honest without coming off as a ****.

    Just some food for thought and my belly.:burger::cookie::donut::fat::salty::popcorn::beer::apple::whale:
  20. SammichEaterPro

    SammichEaterPro The Hungriest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How is your back after all these years have passed? Any chiropractor bills I need to pay?
    Xandrith and purely fat like this.

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