Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. Larry Tanng
      Larry Tanng
      32x32x32 blocks and 32x32x48 blocks are very glitched. Not only did they move by 10 nudges after the update, but they also look black on indoor maps. These blocks are essential to my Anchor 9 remake (Accursed 9) and there's nothing I can do about them until they get fixed. My map is currently ugly right now because of this which is a shame, because I've gotten so much praise for that map. Now everyone with a copy of my map has a damaged map.

      I also have an updated v3.0 version with the Ball settings and the block positions fixed, but I can't allow myself to post the update to my map submission yet, because the glitched blocks are black instead of the eggshell color they need to be. I really hope 343 is aware of this.
      Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
    2. Neo Hybodus
      Neo Hybodus
      I have not had the time to try this on multiple maps/custom games, but the 96' cables spontaneously become about 50% shorter when the camera crosses over them.
    3. Goat

      Rotation Reset Glitches:

      Single Objects:

      Chan and Jack Bell like this.
    4. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
      Rotation bug:
      Objects will snap thier rotation to -180° if the menu is opened when the rotation is greater than 180° or less than -180° as the those are the "max values." Easiest way to replicate is to rotate the pitch (not through the menu) 90°. JOURNEY/video/15356075

      Collision Issues:
      The infantry cargo container closed is missing half of its bullet collision. JOURNEY/video/15356228

      The piece cover: street 4x64x4.5 is missing 1/4 of its player collision. JOURNEY/video/15356292
    5. Sn1p3r C
      Sn1p3r C
      My Breakout Canvas is sometime able to generate lighting in Forge mode, and will sometimes do this in Custom Games when I load a game as a single player. The bug impacts visuals on a map, as textures become highly reflective. This doesn't affect gameplay, but it is difficult to take screenshots/videos that accurately show my map's visuals.

      Videos and File

      Regular Breakout Canvas Lighting (in a custom game)
      Glitched Lighting in Forge (Note the shiny yellow reflections)
      Map file in question is "Avenue 0.3.1," or "Avenue (Beta)" in my files.


      The glitched lighting will also show up in Custom Games that I load as a single player. If other players join the Custom Game in progress, my lighting remains glitched but theirs behaves normally. This is also true in Forge mode. I have not experienced the glitch when loading the file in Custom Games with others in my party.

      Other notes:

      -The glitched lighting is not always present. Sometimes the map loads just fine.
      -This has been replicated on my roommate's Xbox when saving the file. I have not had someone who loaded the file from bookmark report the same error.
      -This first started occurring post-February, but before Hammer Storm. Neither Hammer Storm or the invis blocker hotfix updates seem to have affected this issue.
      -The lighting glitch appears limited to this file - 343 maps do not seem to experience this glitch while I am experience the glitch on the file. I do not have any other breakout files in progress, so I don't know if it is just limited to this custom file.
      -Killing the instance does not resolve the glitch.
      -Hard reset (unplugging the Xbox for 8+ hours) does not resolve the glitch.
      -Having someone else save the file, then saving the file back does not resolve the glitch. (Which makes sense, as it's not stored locally)
      -Loading the file with others does seem to resolve the glitch... until it shows up again.
    6. Jack Bell
      Jack Bell
      This! This rotation reset glitch right after you hit the X button on the object has Effed me up more than a few times lately
    7. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
      The piece "cover: solid [2x64x4.5]" is not properly rendering or is missing it's lower LOD models as the object seemingly disappears at around 320 units away.
    8. Skyshatter7
      Having a lighting issue!

      All lights on my map are displayed correctly while in Forge. As soon as the game mode is changed to custom games the lights appear to set to maximum brightness levels. Any idea how to fix this?
    9. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
      90% certain I'm supposed to be launched immediately off the launcher, regardless of where I jump onto it. That said jumping at the launching part of the unsc launcher causes the player to be slowly launched up and then the path of the launcher. JOURNEY/video/15458873
    10. PA1NTS

      Piston small, piston small alt and piston large are not animated. They do not move. The other pistons (tiny and medium) shift all over the place when trying to place them or select them. To make things worse, the Pistons that do animate tend to move even phased objects near them. Pistons are almost impossible to work with as it stands.
      Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
    11. Psychoduck
    12. -Bludgeondary
      After selecting multiple objects that were previously connected by magnets, I hit x to open the menu and create a group, however it reset orientation of all objects before I even got that far. I recorded a short demo.
      --- Double Post Merged, Mar 8, 2016 ---
      After selecting multiple objects that were previously connected by magnets, I hit x to open the menu and create a group, however it reset orientation of all objects before I even got that far. I recorded a short demo.
    13. qrrby
    14. Mastiffman
      Is anyone getting crashing in the middle of forging? It's random for me or at least appears to be random...
    15. Chan
      Named location not working
      Impact: Medium
      Description: "Rocks" named location does not show in the bottom left corner.
      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create a named location and name it "Rocks".
      2. Entering the named location does not show the name in the bottom left of the screen.

      Splinter grenade respawn
      Description: Splinter grenades do not respawn unless set to fixed physics where they are able to float above the floor. This means that players who already have two splinter grenades will "bump" into the grenades because of their physics. This also affects frag and plasma grenades, but with less frequency.
      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Load a blank map such as Alpine and place a splinter grenade on the default 256 floor with normal physics.
      2. Pick up the splinter grenade in Spartan mode.
      3. The splinter grenade will never respawn.

      Weapon pad menu glitch
      Description: Scrolling through the weapons in the weapon pad switches the weapon pad to locked.
      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Load a blank map.
      2. Place a weapon pad and scroll through the weapons to the right.
      3. Once you reach the 'turret chaingun [detached]', it switches the weapon pad to locked.

      Construction props menu glitch
      Description: Pressing right trigger allows you to select the '▼ Type' option in the menu, while pressing down on the left stick skips over it.
      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Open the object menu with 'y' and go to Props -> Construction.
      2. Use the right trigger to skip down to the 'Cables' category.
      3. '▼ Type' object will be selected because it is the top option for that category.

      Vehicle container collision
      Description: Vehicle container collision does not hug the visible mesh. Does not happen in forge, only in custom games.
      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Load up a custom game with a vehicle container in the map.
      2. Attempt to throw a grenade 1-2 feet away from the corner of the container.
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2016
    16. D4rkDeath
      On Alpine, I was building a map in the corner of the water by the boundary. I spawned a banshee and accidentally drug it into the deep water. It keeps spawning there every 2 mins and blows up before I can select it. It blows up incredibly fast. I have tried everything from grav lifts, to trying to despawn it with placing things over it. I have even tried to move it with a floor piece the moment it respawns. No luck... The only option I feel I truly have is to lock everything on my map and then delete all unlocked. However, that is a ton of work to do to avoid having a random explosion sound every two mins on my map. Maybe there could be an option to delete things that have just despawned.
    17. Preacher001
      @D4rkDeath Create a new banshee, select it and use the select all of this object, option and delete all the banshee's. You can then just replace the ones you wanted. Quick and simple
    18. D4rkDeath
      They blow up instantly, cannot select all off a new banshee. You can't select what isn't there.
    19. Preacher001
      I've used it to do just that before. Do you know of the option that I mentioned?
    20. D4rkDeath
      Very much so, and it should work that way, but fails to do that. It's near the boundary and actually pretty deep. I've had other forgers try too. I've tried so many methods to fix this and went back n forth on the shout box. It's not happening. I've had countless hours in forge and always find a work around for bugs, but this one fails.

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