leegeorgeton submitted a new map: Cubeskew 3: Skewed with a Vengeance - Understand the gravitational anomaly in order to escape Cubeskew. Read more about this map...
That's what I was going for. Did you get a chance to go through the map yet. I haven't heard any feedback from anyone who's tried it out. I worked hard to ensure it was challenging without being frustrating, but I haven't heard if I was successful or not.
If maps like this are well done then I just get a headache from looking at the video. Let's just say I have a massive headache right now. lol
I did use up almost all of the scripting channels and most of the scripting objects to get the map to work. I had to actually write out a list of each channel and its function in order to ensure I could keep it straight in my mind while I was forging. "If maps like this are well done then I just get a headache from looking at the video. Let's just say I have a massive headache right now. lol" You can imagine how I often felt while forging it. It really messes with your senses. "i finished it with 2 friends in 1:13:29 xD" That's great. Were there any parts that were too hard, too easy or just plain frustrating?
I remember I played and reviewed your first one for Halo Reach way back when. I'll have to give this one a go around as well.