I think that giving feedback during testing wastes a lot of time when we have the WIP threads that we can leave feedback in.
Yeah, I've never asked for a map to be tested on the forge Friday thing, and I couldn't hop on and test Friday as I was heading home for the weekend from school. Where do I find my feedback?
I was thinking about this. If people are able to have multiple devices handy, there's no reason that feedback time can be posted while everything is fresh in everyone's minds. That being said, I know some of you like taking notes and writing beautiful and well-thought-out reviews once the gears have turned a bit more, and I'm all for it, but I still agree with Chan here Feedback is posted in your WIP within a few days of the test date, depending on Max's stamina and amount of maps he has to do
Gamertag: PSYGASM Map: The Akropolis Gametypes: Big Team CTF, Big Team Slayer Map Thread: http://www.forgehub.com/threads/wip-the-acropolis.150900/ Attending: Yup
Gamertag: TruncateComb6 Map: Cartographer Gametypes: 4v4 Slayer,Strongholds (CTF and Assault also should function.) Map Thread: http://www.forgehub.com/threads/halo-5-forge-cartographer-beta-nearing-completion.151214/
The thread is up to date as of this post. all feedback is given and submission are open for this friday! The reason for this is because not everyone will come to forgehub to post feed back so you are able to get all of the raw feed back right there in the lobby. you can find the feed back on the recent broadcasts of my twitch channel. ill post a link in the spoilers before to long You've been added. let me know if you can play friday youve been added to the list let me know if you can join
What time and how long would we play on Friday? (Would I just play on my map or follow the lobby throughout multiple playtests?)
Hey, any way you could jot down the time each map starts in the stream and post it next to the spoilers in the op? Thisll help cut down a lotttttt of fast forwarding, especially when your streams can run nine hours Also as a side note, juxtaposition is a 4v4,not 2v2
not sure what made me think it was a 2v2 but I'll remember that now. Also I'll look in to adding the times for the video. we start at 8 pm cst and go till we are out of maps or people. If you want to just test your map you can, but I would recommend sticking around and seeing all the others and helps them out too
I'd be glad to participate then. It fits my schedule and I'll stick in the lobby for a while to test some others Will you just send out a game/party invite before it starts?
the OP has been updated with a submission form. Right now its a lot of text and ive done some advanced editing to make sure it can all fit but ill working up some pictures soon to fill it in to allow for more games to be saved. You've been added What game types?
Probably won't be able to make it on because I close tomorrow, but I went ahead and made a thread for my WIP map. GT Wahrer Map pmc_nightingale Supported Players 6-12 Recommended Players 8-10 Supported Gametypes All Gametypes Recommended Gametypes FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, Neutral Flag, Strongholds Map Thread boop
I can make it and I would like to test my map again. Hopefully I fixed the lag issue too. GT: Doc1777 Map Thread: Ascension Gametype: Slayer Supported Gametypes: Assault, Neutral Flag, Strongholds(WIP), Capture the Flag, Multi-team, and Team Doubles Recommended Players: 4 v 4 Attending: Yes
I honestly have no idea what day or time it is in the states, but if you guys wanna play my zero G map again in the next lobby I will try to check out the VOD link after the fact. Once I'm back in the country I'm gonna create a final version and get the map posted...I'm interested to see if there are any gaps in the teleporter net / lifeboat system, and if you guys have any thoughts on the artificial gravity I've set up on the ships. Also, if there are any remaining suggestions for how the zero G physics play out...Really I'm interested any general feedback you come up with that I should take into account before calling this one done. Filename: Ambush at Orion Mode: Squadrons (Slayer) P.S. - If the lobby is large / full of maps, feel free to skip over mine for someone who is in the party to take feedback.
Gamer tag: Rabid hogs Map: Infestation 0.2 Gametype: 4v4 Slayer Attendance: I don't think I'll be there I wanted to get some more testing done for this map but wasn't able to this week, so the map is the same version, but with slight tweaks to improve frame rate and some small visual things. As much as I'm happy to hear that it's good, the test last week didn't give me much to work with, so I'm trying slayer this time because it might expose some issues that oddball didn't.
The OP is having some format issues due to it recompiling all the BB code i used, but the contents are up to date. To quote Mr Smith "More, We need more". Feel free to add more maps to the list or tell others about the thread and get there stuff and bodies in here to help test. we can always find maps. right now we just need people. Will you be able to make it for testing? ADDED ADDED ADDED just incase ADDED