Unsorted Gaming submitted a new map: UG Mantisfall - Stand by..for mantisfall Read more about this map...
Very cool, love the design of the ship! This thing reminds me of a a Mantis-Fall thing I once did (However, mine was nowhere near as good as this one) Did you get inspiration from Sweaty Spaceships?
thanks alot! Gonna add more pictures later so you get a better overview of the map. But I just saw the Sweaty Spaceships map feature from ForgeHub, wow that map looks amazing. But I made the ship out of my own Ideas. My goal was to create a drop ship for the mantis. But it got way bigger that intended. haha
This map was a lot of fun to play. I was expecting it to just be mindless mayhem but there is actually quite a lot of strategy involved once you play a few rounds and get into it.