This thread is a good read, I appreciate bait and honesty alike. Unintended player movement options (e.g. thrust slide, "superman") are awful because they force the map creator to design routes/geometry that either blocks or supports these techniques pissing off the tryhards or putting players who don't use these strategies at a disadvantage The highlight of H2 was glitches and zombies HCE got the Shotgun right first try H3 had the best vehicle sandbox H4 Spartan Ops were terribly boring Multi-team playlists (2v2v2v2, 4v4v4v4) should be a top priority The H3 transport warthog (the one that fits 5 people) is the most under-appreciated vehicle to appear in the series Halo: Reach is overrated. I could only get through the campaign 1.5 times and only ever had fun in Firefight, Invasion, and Elite Slayer. Halo 3: ODST is underrated as the campaign and the new Firefight mode made that game a great experience Grifball might be fun if all of the courts weren't flat rectangles Environmental hazards add two things to a map, "randomness" and "fun" Asymmetrical maps done well make me wet Asymmetrical maps done terribly make me wet with tears of those I spawn trap Symmetrical maps are great unless they look symmetrical Just because the H2 BR is an option doesn't mean it automatically replaces all instances of where one would normally place the H5 BR Outside of Tower of Power, H2 Ascension sucked Multi-team territories on Foundation with random weapon starts is the most competitive gameplay in Halo ever The model of Dare's face from Halo 3: ODST still looks awful and scares the **** out of me Engineers were a lost opportunity for a sweet, fleshy vehicle to add to the sandbox Brute Plasma Rifles only looked cooler because they were different Cortana should have died in Halo 3 Warzone Assault should be cut and implemented again later when they make a good asymmetrical map for the game mode instead of sliced up Warzone maps with assets ripped from other Warzone maps I had more hidden rage then expected.
It couldn't keep my attention for more than a month or so after release. I didn't even make it to the first DLC before the gameplay got boring to me. Without the customs/forge community that game would have been shelved faster than it was. The only Halo I dropped faster than that was H4. Soulmates.
Agree with everything except your bit on Cortana and Reach. Reach may be looked at fondly now by some but it was incredibly divisive when it launched. It was anything but overrated. Also, 343's Cortana in Halo 4 was bae. It's Halo 5 that ****ed everything up.
The part about symmetric maps not looking symmetrical is interesting though and it ties into what i said about symmetric maps playing asymmetrically.
I find that many people in the Halo community tend to rate it high even calling it the best Halo (or at least top three). Even critics gave it flying colors when it came out so I've seen enough people rate it high to call it overrated. My perspective on its average rating is also probably influenced by the fact that the lead up for launch of Halo: Reach was incredibly hyped. Egoraptor's animation "Awesome Reach" captures that moment in Halo launches pretty accurately. If we're just talking about the people here in this thread/on ForgeHub, then I'd agree with you as few here tend to prefer it over the other Halos. The day we lost the Chopper is when the music died. That's all fair, I guess I've just seen a lot of positivity for Reach out of the more casual Halo audience. My reasoning behind Cortana was that I didn't really like the direction they took with her in H4 and H5, and since this is a trilogy arc it would have made sense to write her out earlier.
The chopper / warthog dynamic was one of the coolest vehicle dynamics in Halo, but I don't that's an unpopular opinion.
I always thought people only use the term "casual map" once they get bad feedback, like its some kind of justification for the map sucking. Even saw some of the 343 guys say that about one of the Breakout maps they made.
I would rather the casual gameplay of Halo 4 over the MLG approved, ultra competitive Halo 5. There are no fun maps or playlists in this game.
The game isn't fun. Even the games that are ultra competitive that are more popular than halo are at least enjoyable to play casually --- Double Post Merged, Mar 14, 2016 --- I would expect nothing less from someone who has mr. popo as their profile pic.
That’s subjective. I thoroughly enjoyed Halo 4, and I had an absolute blast playing the competitive gamemodes in 4.