How does that quote go again? Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt? lol
I've been playing a lot of dark souls 2 lately and am pretty excited about dark souls 3 right now, and as a result I've been thinking of making a map based on the firelink shrine in 3. I had most of the layout built like last week but the ****in game crashed while I was saving and it just disappeared, so I've gotta restart. Sorta spoilers;
Good luck man! That's ambitious! Not sure if you've seen those two videos yet, probably have. But they are actually from colson himself talking about scope and building realistic natural terrain. Again you've probably seen em, if not then I totally recommend them!
My current wip. Heres a handful of shots. This is only the outside portion of the map(i deleted everything else for screenies) This section isnt finished though. I really dont like the center structure. I will share the other sections in the future. Btw stop fighting niggas. We all friends.
Hahahaha we stopped. But it looks really cool so far! Looks like there is so much for a spartan to do!
this looks like the pictures dont do it justice. It looks awesome! But it looks like once you step foot onto it, it becomes even more awesome. Again i like the variation! It looks like it wouldnt get old or repetitive!
haha well its over now and we both made ourselves look like douche bags, so zombie is right. Its dance around the forge campfire now hahaha. Zombie is going to sing us all a song now!
Naw, I don't just look like one I am one Thanks for the video links! I checked them out for a little bit but I feel like I have a very strong grasp, possibly stronger grasp, on many of the concepts colsons goes over in them. I've been forging core gameplay maps for much longer than colsons has and have more through grasp on btb gameplay concepts. I think where colsons strengths come in is his ability to make detailed set pieces and arrange them In a manner to create a great atmosphere as hes been an infection forger for most his forge career. Thanks for looking out tho bud. I'm not sure if he mentioned it in his thread, but most the entirety of his gameplay desgin came from other forgers feedback. He did an excellent job of taking that feedback and shaping it and applying it to the artistic vision he had for the map and the end result is magnificent.
No problem, And i try to do the same, i dont really try to create competitive symmetrical maps (i do have a couple though..) withe all the picky ass standards of having to have this and that and then some. I try to create what feels like a battle ground, or like a scene that you are playing in. I try to stay away from the normal stuff and go more towards what we see a lot in our lives or things we have and can possibly see. Like my aircraft carrier, or my two battling pirate ships, the infection map im currently working on, i take the basics into consideration, like pathing, lines of sight, jump ups and drop downs. All the stuff that makes gameplay interesting, but i try to do it in a way that looks natural and truly believable and beautiful. I wish i had more maps done by this point honestly but i have been working on machinima maps for a friend. So i totally understand. And i dont think i have checked out his thread. Not yet at least. i probably will after this.
I'm not sure where the info is on the new blocks, but I hope they have some with rougher textures like in MCC, just with better lighting. The amount of aesthetic variation that would allow would totally be worth the work on 343's part. Imagine if you could not only have concrete, but mossy concrete as well. I think some pretty sweet looking maps could result. I want some bushes and more tree variety too.
You are a piece of **** and I hope you die. Hope that helps. You guys are not even good at insulting each other. Clearly, @MultiLockOn and myself to hold a class on insults.
You know it dude! I have wanted to create a ruins map SOOO bad! But we dont have any really good things to do so. If we had mossy concrete or even just concrete...The things this community would make...It wouldnt ever be the same! Hopefully we one day get a feature where we can choose between different textures before we change our primary and secondary colors. If we could have wood, concrete, or maybe even something like diamond plate, rusted metal...Just some wishful and hopeful thinking though hahaha --- Double Post Merged, Mar 12, 2016 --- i dont think we were trying to insult each other as much as we were just trying to prove each other wrong with cuss words and douchey comments. Hahahaha. So you are probably right!