Post Your Unpopular Halo or Forge Opinions

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Goat, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Maps made by and geared towards competitive players are the most safe, dull or otherwise uninspired designs, as they often fail to push the boundaries of level design in fear of diminishing gameplay that has been proven to work on a variety of other styles. Any map can be "competitive" or otherwise played competitively provided it has a solid framework, yet there is still some unspoken stigma within the Halo community (and no that's not a Squally pun) that mandates specific styles of maps. Look no further than the ridiculously generic offering bundled with Halo 5 for proof. Furthermore, being good at the game doesn't necessarily make you a good designer.
  2. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    being good at a game doesn't mean you actually understand it that well either there are plenty of people with really good shots that are terrible teammates for example. I was playing customs one night and the team I was on the first game smoked the other team who had an arguably better player we switch up teams and I go to that team and we lose. It is good to listen to good players and what they have to say but don't take it as the word of god.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 9, 2016 ---
    don't ever say one ways are not competitive they were arguably the most consistent lift we ever had besides jump pads. They also work great over an exit of a tele because it stops players from blocking since neither bungie or 343 feel like someone should be killed by the porting player if they are sitting on it.
    Captain Punch and Goat like this.
  3. Captain Punch

    Captain Punch Content Contributor
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    I didn't say they weren't competitive, (although, categorically, a single object has a hard time fitting the definition). I said that I wouldn't use them the way they were designed, i.e. as a shielded doorway that only works in one direction, referencing specifically: when I'm trying to design a balanced competitive experience. For instance, the use of shield doors on Snowbound and the camp-fest it created. It was a great mechanic till it began to be exploited and radically screwed with the experience the level was designed to have. Now, your examples, preventing the blocking of teleporters and as a lift, fit wholly within the realm of what I found them very useful for. To put it succinctly, it seems like we heartily agree on their merit, you just misunderstood the intent and direction of my statement.

    S0UL FLAME Legendary
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    - I really like Pegasus. Its design is easier on the eyes, and its layout is easy to learn and hard to master.
    - The H5 Sniper's ease of use is no different from nearly every other Sniper in Halo history, besides Halo 3.
    - I like the Concussion Rifle design more than the Brute Shot. Plus, the Conc Rifle had more violent explosions.
    - BTB can only be fun if the map you play is segregated akin to Rat's Nest. Psycho Duck is the only one to do it right.
    - I am wary of people who give harsh criticism after they had a bad match on a map they've never played before.
    Charybdis likes this.
  5. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    Soul Flame your trolling right?

    S0UL FLAME Legendary
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    This thread is named "Unpopular Opinions" for a reason.
    Orzium and Charybdis like this.
  7. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Says the guy remaking Orbital.
  8. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There is also no thing as a casual map. You've got aesthetic maps and minigame maps, but if you're supposed to play something like slayer or objective gametypes on your map it's a competitive map. It's just that there's good and bad competitive maps and casual ones are usually just bad ones.
  9. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    I can't decide if I want to reply or not because you can't be serious. Pegasus is obvious garbage & when someone like me who has always been trash with the sniper can get the no scopes & other sniper kills I've got in H5 then it is definitely easier to use than any other sniper ever.
  10. ThisIsNotTheNSA

    ThisIsNotTheNSA Legendary

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    I really disliked the Brute weapons/vehicles (aside from Gravity hammer) and would rather not see them return.
    Charybdis and iParanormal like this.
  11. S0UL FLAME

    S0UL FLAME Legendary
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    My own experiences with all of the Sniper Rifles, minus H3, have been about the same. The one thing the current Sniper has over the others is its massive bullet magnetism, which would probably explain your and many other people's increased No-Scope kills.

    As for my own thoughts on Pegasus, it's probably in my top five in this game. Its cleanliness is a huge contrast from the rest of the Arena lineup, and it's the only map in the entire lineup with only ONE automatic, which spawns on an open street to balance its power. The simple method of winning, holding down the Red Base, is a nice change of pace that I strangely enjoy.

    Guess I'm weird.
    Charybdis likes this.
  12. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    The ease of use of the sniper is something that can be tested very objectively by auto aim, bullet mag, projectile/hitscan, the games lag compensation, so forth. Saying the h5 sniper is the same as the rest is objectively wrong. Also, CE sniper is harder to use than H3s

    Charybdis, Xandrith and Zombievillan like this.
  13. Captain Punch

    Captain Punch Content Contributor
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    It's almost semantics, but I'd have to disagree. what is being referenced as a casual map doesn't have to play terribly, but be geared towards more casual players. This would mean that interactions are more dependent on positioning and weapon usage decisions, rather than reaction time and movement skills. While this map would still be "competitive" rather than just something to walk around and be nice to look at or to fool around on, it would not have much pull for players of higher skill, as it would not include the so called "sweaty jumps" or other intricate strategy features (like grenading weapons off platforms to yourself or teammates, or flag toss opportunities, etc.) that one would expect with something that is usually considered a competitive level. Essentially, it's the difference between what happened in H3 with the dev maps when the MLG versions came out, rebalancing things for less casual and more strategy based players, only with the new mechanics we have now and the doors they open.

    Beyond that, a map /can/ be both aesthetically great and competitive. There is a balance that needs to be struck with that, but denying the possibility is heavily pessimistic. Mini-games, while departing from from the game's original mechanics, can also be competitive, although most are not; they too can also look great. None of these things are mutually exclusive. You can have casual competitive maps, "try-hard" competitive maps, competitive mini-games, etc. and any and all of those have the ability, budgets willing, to look amazing at the same time. There may be a higher focus on any one of those things in any combination, but that doesn't remove the possibility of all of those things being present at the same time. To take this as far as it could go: there could be a casually competitive mini-game that looks amazing, where there is distinct strategy, the point is to win, but you don't have to be on the edge of your seat snorting Ritalin just to keep up.
    Charybdis and Xandrith like this.
  14. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    Competiveness is simply measured by the willingness of players to compete with eachother. I hate how this term is used incorrectly while describing maps/gametypes. Generally speaking, if a map is desgined poorly most players will be less willing to want to compete with eachother on it, thus making it a less competitive map.

    The plot thickens.

    Let's compare chess and checkers. Each game can be played at the same competitive level. However, due to the fact chess has more layers of metagame and a larger skill gap, humans have a tendency to get more competive while playing it and therfore we can say subjectivly, chess is more competitive. Yet objectively speaking, it isn't more or less competitive than checkers.

    I'm not doubting any of you do not know this, just sharing it for the random who might not understand exactly what the term competitive entails.
    Charybdis and Xandrith like this.
  15. Captain Punch

    Captain Punch Content Contributor
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    I was specifically talking about whether the point was to compete or not (as opposed to collaborate), eg. PvP/PvE type things. Totally right there with you about the objective vs. subjective uses of the term. I appreciate your use of that example to clarify that relationship.
    Charybdis likes this.
  16. Box Knows

    Box Knows Legendary
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    salty i played a 4v4 on ur map the other night, all sweaty kids. I was gonna record it for you but i forgot...
    Goat likes this.
  17. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I am best with the CE sniper therefore it is the easiest sniper to use.
    Seriously, the bullet magnetism and how the aim feels different from pretty much every other shooter I have ever played ruins this game for me.
    GOAT some people like orbital. That actually includes Salty and myself. It is ultimately the one thing we have never had any debate about.
    Charybdis likes this.
  18. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    Its okay, what version? I made some significant changes but got distracted by 2v2 contest and it has a random piece in the wrong spot haha
  19. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is for battlefield but it is a very good video about randomness and competitiveness.
  20. TheSuperintendent

    TheSuperintendent Legendary

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    I hate Hayubasand and Fotus more than any other armor in halo :mad:, and instantly judge people for wearing it.
    WAR and no god anywhere like this.

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