No FFA spectating Warzone bases are so f*cking generic (except the spire) Armor customization is basically non-existent in 5
@purely fat "passive aggressive" threads are a good way to let off steam and maybe learn some things along the way. @MultiLockOn I realized a couple weeks ago that I was spending too much time trying to copy Bungie/343's art style and paste it on top of my maps. It's cool that we can get that close now, but we can also do so much more and it was liberating once I decided to start creating my own style. I might keep the themes of the maps I'm working on, but I think new ones are going to be more visually innovative. Perhaps the main reason it took me so long is because it's Halo. Red and Blue power ranges looks goofy on anything fantastical.
- Do not tell me you have creative prowess if your portfolio is full of the same idea with a fresh coat of paint. - Symmetric maps are hardly ever impressive to me. - I would prefer having the H5 Magnum's rate of fire back to the beta standards than having it become a 4 shot. - BRs should have never existed. - Psycho Duck's commentaries make me wanna fall asleep. - I probably won't take you seriously if you hate asymmetric maps without a good reason. - Remakes are cool to me if you do a spin on the aesthetics while making the map playable w/H5's mechanics. - If you have a Sanctuary or Pit remake, do not ask me to play Slayer on it. You should know better. - If you have a Lockout remake, do not ask me to play it ever. You should know better.
Just want to say that just because your opinion is unpopular doesn't mean you can just throw it out there without actually backing it up with a proper explanation.
There is a difference, in my opinion, between the people who use that thread for sharing what they are actually working on and those who use it for vanity and validation. It's a difference of opinions. There is no need to take anything personally as goat has already said.
We need to #MakeHaloGreatAgain. If elected as Admin of FH, I will build a wall between the competitive and casual community. And it will be paid for completely by the casual's req points. Also, no Reach kids will be allowed to enter our forums ever again.
These threads only work if people don't get defensive or even outright butthurt. But it looks like it's too late for that. The "symmetrical maps take half as much thought and skill to make than asymmetrical maps" is one of the dumbest things I hear parroted by Forgers. On a similar note, the shunning of two base two tower maps is equally dumb. In all likelihood, we all just don't have the creativity to create a truly original and impressive one. Halo 3 Forgers who always feel the need to remind others how long they've been around is extremely cringe-inducing and just comes across as insecure.
I expected it to be more about Halo and Forge in general, but I mean if you guys want to call out other Forgers, don't be ****ing pussies and start dropping names.
I'm gonna wait to post a thread called "what I hate about you" It's gonna get taken down, but I'll have fun. I also plan on pulling an office space on my xbox afterwards.
Everyone thinks there is a set of pre-existing guidelines that makes map work or not. I think people are afraid to try experimental designs, play styles, and weapon sets. Slower games aren't boring or bad, it can ultimately force a stronger connection as teammates and unpredictable set ups. Halo Reach forward seemed to lack this. running straight into battle off spawn makes the game play worse, and maps seem less dynamic. Weapon sets can be anything. Yes Halo 5 has OP weapons and yes there's such a thing as too much, but they were designed to function the way they do. Accept them as the current state in Halo 5, not as a whole. Otherwise we get boring limited sandboxes on maps and everything feels generic. "Sniper is too easy to use!" just limit ammo and change your play style. This isn't classic Halo, so stop making it something it isn't. These are not the ramblings of a waypoint kid. This is about accepting Halo 5 as it's own game. Strip it's "Halo" name and you have another FPS. We've been bending and shaping gameplay to fit what worked in the past, but that's not how this game works. I prefer classic Halo but that doesn't mean we can have it in H5. Only shattered remnants of it. Just give us H3 Anniversary with a fixed BR so we can shut up and live in the glory days. "HALO 3 WASN'T THE GLORY DAYS! CE WAS" Well guess what. They ****ed up CEA and H2A and aren't going to Re-remaster them. The best we can hope for is H3A ya jaggoffs.
I want asym. midship and inverse midship and isolation midship to be honest. I think not appreciating everything in some way is a bad way to think. You don't have to make those maps or prefer them but that doesn't mean you have to rip on them for not being creative or not following traditional design formulas. Variety is important. also goat, i don't disagree with having this. This is healthy. I was just trolling a little bit. But the person who I am talking about is was fated who for some reason needed to tell me he wasn't pushing his map really hard in h2a and which makes me suspicious and so I asked war. Who told me he was. If he wouldn't of said anything I probably would not have been suspicious. The fact that maps that were picked for testing were not really tested thoroughly bothered me as well. Is that better goat. Everything else is everyone including myself.
Yea the whole "it's easy to design half a map and flip it" thing is dumb. TBTW is just a layout that can have any kind of design.
- I never really liked the Warthog that much. It's a Jeep with a minigun. Wow, so original. - Social has always had problems. People will still care if they get stomped by a team, no matter what. - Grifball is overrated. - Damage & Speed Boost are more interesting than Overshield and Active Camo. - Playable Elites was a waste of time, and poorly executed. Until Invasion, at least. - If you were a Forger who made some great stuff on H3, don't get upset if you can't figure out the new Forge. - People are rating grey maps with praise. The irony will only be found if you knew the goings on in Reach. - Assault is only interesting when it's One Bomb on an asymm.