Because you've been oh-so-patient, I'll go ahead and answer your question. It's entirely possible that certain names could be bugged. 'Balcony' is a new name added with the February update. I haven't yet used this one myself, so I cannot confirm. But, it's entirely possible that a few names were bugged when they added so many with the update. If this is not the cause, then you have defined the boundaries of the named location incorrectly. I'd guess that's not the case, though. To test, create a location volume elsewhere and name it Balcony and see if it works there.
I say nobody makes anything for mm until they remove invis objects from the physical object hard count limit.
Duck (or anyone else), have you heard direction on Breakout weapon pads? On one hand, the 343 maps all follow the convention, but I think some community maps have weapon pads on T1-T2 weapons, since they are much more powerful with Breakout settings.
Pads aren't used in Breakout, presumably due to the fact that it's a round-based elimination mode. In modes with respawning, the static weapon timers create 'big moments' at predictable times within a match. That wouldn't really apply the same way to short rounds where players aren't respawning. Tier 3 weapons probably aren't the best idea for inclusion in Breakout anyway due to their power relative to the lower health in the mode.
I get the "big moment" piece, and agree 100% on Tier 3 weapons being too bananas for a competitive breakout map. I ask because I have a neutral scattershot I want to call out with the indicator, but I don't want this disqualified from any future contests because it's too crazy against convention.
Personally, I would much rather see players take the time to learn the location of the weapon rather than have its location and status made so obvious. With that said, you should do what you think is best for your map. Most of the 2v2 maps recently have gone against matchmaking weapon pad conventions out of necessity. Just no that, if it were to be included in matchmaking, this would need to change.
Hrmm, I'll think about it and test both ways. At least I get to play with ammo count this way. Thanks for the reply!