When you put it up to the entire MM population the majority vote will go with whatever "looks" the best. Too many kids playing that have no knowledge of map design or any form of art for that matter.
I agree that these contests would be much better with more 343 involvement, but inevitably there will be disagreements with the selections regardless. And people would end up citing those mysterious rules to support their disagreements. I imagine the top maps would not be much different whether they were hand picked or community picked anyway. Besides, I think most people are more interested in the tournament and eventual matchmaking playlist then the actual contest, so as long as nobody takes it seriously enough to be pissed off about it, then nobody should have a problem with who is on the panel. I more than anyone am aware of my shortcomings as a level designer, and one reason I agreed to do this in spite of the inevitable backlash I would receive is because it's a good learning experience. I asked War several times to replace me because I didn't think the community would appreciate a "no name" being on the panel. But I decided to only look at the objective merits of the maps submitted.
The people who participate in the contest should then state which is their favorite top 3 and a bonus prize could be rewarded? maybe? just a thought.
You're still saying "these 10 are better than the rest of the maps submitted," which is ordered places and prizes attributes to those places. Yeah, it would attract more people maybe because you have a better shot at getting a prize, but that doesn't make the judging process any less subjective. Edit: really I think the only objective way to do it is to put EVERY map submitted into the contest and give EVERYONE the same prize for submitting. Socialism lol
To be truthful, to try to find the perfect judging process in itself is a laughable attempt to try and make the perfect system. This in itself doesn't exist, as we are human beings who are imperfect by nature. Judges are by no means perfect, but they do what they must to help grow the community. Each of the judges are decently known forgers who in some way have skillsets in design of their own. Maybe a judging panel with various skillsets would be ideal, and maybe the judges need to be voted on or have more than 4 judges. Regardless, these guys are dishing out 1000$ out of their own pockets and we must respect they will judge as fairly as they can. Salty, whether your correct or not, give them the respect that they are trying and being at each others throats doesn't help improve the system of judging. In a perfect world we would have the community of competitive players to vote each map who know what plays well. But we are imperfect by nature, so to get the perfect results as foolhardy. And we don't even know who won yet, so why are people arguing? Get it together guys, let them do their jobs because free money that you only sat around building stuff for. /end rant
This is also a valid point, but one could argue that the maps should have been solicited from more community members in the first place.
invite me some time this weekend i will see what i can do. it looks to me the map is entirely in doors. If so it will be a peace of cake.
As annoying as it is to us, ir would still reflects what the general community likes, as diabetic as that might be to us as expirenced forgers and map designers. Also, did you miss the pre screening part? All maps put into the playlist would already be decent maps, so voting for a "bad" map wouldn't even be an option.
The prizes are an added incentive. And if you were holding that contest, you'd have the right to do it any way you want. It kind of is serious business, though. The judges are taking it serious, and most of the participants are taking it serious. It's fine if you don't want to participate, or even disagree with the process, but this contest has provided great maps for the community, for the tournament, and maybe even for matchmaking.
I'm not trying to find a "perfect" judging process, only sharing my opinion in what i think would make a better judging process. Im completely fine with how the contest is being judged, I was just sharing my opinin, in response to what goat said, that it shouldnt be taken seriously. If you read my entire post you will see that I recognize that regardless of how the contest is judeged its still beneficial to the community because it gets people active. That is the number one best thing about it IMO. Of course i respect the judges, I've known many of them longer then you demp and I'm not getting down anyone's throats lol just sharing my opinion bruh
Im at work box and bored as lumber, as you could tell. Getting everyone riled up for no reason haha. I'll help you out tonight, but its looking good.
I'm taking it very seriously if not solely out of respect for everyone who put time and hard work into submitting their maps. I wouldn't want anything less regardless of who was on the panel. But I also see this as more of a community building exercise, and the competitiveness has challenged everyone to put out their best work. I am more humbled than anything to have the opportunity to play on them and I intend to enjoy myself while doing so.
Yes, but saying these are the top ten maps (none nesscarily better than the other) is a much better and reasonable appoarch to such a subjective subject IMO. I do see your side of it tho. Obviously there isn't away to avoid the butthurt haha
I like being rude on the interwebz, it makes it a funner place lol. And the forge fourms get boring. Stirring the pot is entertaing to me, so don't apologize no need for it!