Title: Gladiators v2 Required Gametype: Gladiators v2 Now I know this isn't the conventional posting method, but I figured it serves the purpose. There isn't one map, but four, and they all do the same thing, so I figure it works out better not to clog the forum and just consolidate them into one post. A new favorite among the good people here at thewestwalker, these maps are meant to be played with this gametype: Team Gladiator. It works like this: you divide into two teams and each team spawns in a room full of weapons. Each person picks a few weapons of choice, and after 30 seconds the exit teleport becomes unblocked. Both teams charge into the arena for a reckless and tactical fight to the death. Damage resistance is cranked up to 300% and shield regeneration is dropped to 50% to allow for longer fights and to require teams to employ more strategy. The game is elimination, one life per person. Last team with men standing wins the round, 5 rounds per game. Bear in mind that these maps are meant for only two teams and those teams must be Red and Blue. See a video of this gametype being played: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgQ92xq5P30 Note: Video shows the old versions. And now, the arenas: Download: Coliseum v2 Download: Blade's Edge v2 The v1 arenas: Download: Tremor Download: Ignition [Version 2 of these maps will come soon enough, but I have bigger projects on my hands at the moment.] Map made for use in the upcoming ladders on http://halo3.thewestwalker.net/. Ladder site test build is up and publicly available at beta.thewestwalker.net for anyone interested in seeing what it's all about.
hmm these map looks... pretty awesome Blades Edge looks the best from the screens but ill DL and give u feedback in a lil
Wow the interlocking is shweet and looks like it will offer great gameplay. I'm not so sure about the dumpster pillars because they can easily be knocked over.
The dumpster pillars have remained sturdy, even the gravity hammers have no effect. The only thing that a player can move them with is the portable grav lift, and there isn't one on Blade's Edge.
you probably need more pics, they don't show enough, chances are someone will be on you with, !MORE PICS!, i just recommend you add a few before this happens.
The reason for the low number of pictures is a) There's not much to show, the arenas are intentionally very simple and b) There's a video anyway. And yes, it's the Blade's Edge from WoW. Haven't played in a long time - I canceled my account. I thought the arena might work well with the gametype though, and it did. It's my favorite of the four.
Public test build of the site is up at beta.thewestwalker.net! Come give it a shot. Bring your friends, make a team, and challenge other teams to various gametypes. The Gladiator 2v2 and Gladiator 4v4 playlists both feature these maps.