Throwdown - 2v2 Map Contest

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by a Chunk, Dec 4, 2015.

By a Chunk on Dec 4, 2015 at 1:31 AM
  1. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Our baby is back again, and looking better than ever. Let's kick off our reunion with a BANG!

    Hello Hubbers. Halo 5 forge has launched and a new era is upon us. To commemorate this grand occasion, Forgehub is breaking radio silence to announce a 2v2 Slayer forge map contest. There's no time to waste. Dive right in and get your hands dirty because the 2v2 Throwdown contest is ON!

    Q. What maps can I forge on?
    A. Your map can be forged on one of the blank canvases - Alpine, Glacier, Parallax, or Breakout Arena. It can also be forged on any of the Halo 5 disc maps, however they can ONLY be used as a blank canvas. You CANNOT use existing geometry on disc maps.

    Q. Are there age requirements?
    A. No. Anyone who submits a map will be eligible to claim a prize.

    Q. Can I co-forge with my friend(s)?
    A. Yes! We love seeing community collaboration, so co-forging is allowed. However, be aware that your map must have a primary author who will receive any contest winnings.

    Q. Are remakes from (insert game here) allowed?
    A. Yes, however it is extremely unlikely that a remake will win any prizes because it will automatically receive a low score in the Originality/Creativity judging category.
    Anyone found to be plagiarizing maps from other forgers will be disqualified, and shall forever be shunned by the forge community (so don't do it).

    Entries must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM on March 1st, 2016. All submissions should be tailored to 2v2 Slayer gameplay, both in size and in power weapon placement. All submissions will be tested using default slayer settings, so be sure to mold your maps to your liking with that in mind. Judging will commence immediately after the submission deadline and winners will be announced as soon as judging is completed.

    To submit your map, simply create an account at, visit the "Maps" page and click on the "Submit Your Map" icon. Eligible submissions must contain at least 7 images per map. A YouTube gameplay video, or walkthroughs are heavily encouraged as well.
    After posting your map, post a link to it in the Throwdown Submission Thread.


    Eligible map submissions will be judged based on:

    Game-type Support
    • Does the map function for the game-type as necessary? Are all required objects and systems in place to successfully play a game?
    • Is the map fun to play on? Is the space fun to navigate through? Do the weapons, spawns, and layout promote a positive game experience? Is the map balanced and fair for the given game-type?
    • Does the map suffer from any negative visual or performance issues?
    Originality / Creativity
    • Is the map interesting and unique in both design and appearance?

    - a Chunk
    - a 3 Legged Goat
    - Xzamplez

    Nothing heats up these cold winter days like the burning desire to take home some of these fantastic prizes!

    1st Place - $500

    2nd Place - $350

    3rd Place - $150

    4th Place - our appreciation

    The goal of this contest is two-fold. First we want to find great maps, and then we want to play on great maps! Yes, you heard right. The winning maps chosen from this contest will be played on during an upcoming tournament (so don't tell anyone about the hidden Rocket Launcher that only you know about).

    There you have it! Get out there and make us proud, Hubbers.


    Attached Files:

    #1 a Chunk, Dec 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2016


Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by a Chunk, Dec 4, 2015.

    1. Overdoziz
      Wonder how many maps are in the 'looked at the screenshots and threw it in the bin' category.
    2. Zombievillan
      I heard that only happened with some map that had orange trim, not sure what it was called...
    3. Overdoziz
    4. BlackDeath10
      sad to see this is what became of thc, nothing like what they use to be.
    5. aPK
      This is just a flat-out lie and you are heavily twisting the story.

      First you received a warning for baiting others and taking passive-aggressive jabs. Then you received a ban for quoting a month-old post and derailing a thread to start up an argument over a matter that was settled. You then called a staff member a "douchebag" and derailed a thread by publicly questioning moderation when the expectation is for users to contact staff personally if they have questions or concerns regarding a ban. You received the permanent ban for creating alternate accounts.

      The "toxic" comment was a result of the fact that although the Forge forum was home to only maybe 10-20 regular users, it accounted for over half of the bans for the entire site at the time. To say that it was a disproportionate amount of trouble is an understatement.
      WaiHo likes this.
    6. Overdoziz
      just give cyren a couple of retweets and he's in for anything
    7. WaiHo
      I actually really like it over at Beyond, I was around when all the drama happened although never really read all of it.

      Only thing I can remember is the forgers getting mad at the mods over at Beyond. I can imagine the forgers not agreeing with the way things were handled over there as the rules are quite different and more strict than here over at Forgehub.
      Gotta realise though that his place is a place that's made by forgers for forgers, Beyond is made my general community members that is made for community members from all different corners in the Halo community. Forgehub is your house, however Beyond is where you are a guest so adjust accordingly.

      I would really find it a waste of potential if Forgehub would never reach over to Beyond for some kind of collaboration. Even aPK is a staff member over there again and do believe that Warholic and Psychoduck and the likes have no issues with the people over at Beyond.

      tl;dr: Don't let something that happened in the past influence the course of a potential collaboration with another community that could make Halo and its forge community grow.
      THE SLAMMERSS likes this.
    8. xzamplez
      I don't remember receiving a warning for anything. If that's the case, I want proof of that. Besides my early quarrels with Schnitzel (when I first joined the site), I never even came close to having a comment that merited a warning.

      Yes, I quoted a comment that was a month old. That was only because I hadn't been there for a while. That is NOT against the rules. Plain and simple. It was in WAYWO/OT thread, so it's laughable that you would defend the nonsense that it derails an off topic thread.

      He deleted a comment that was in no way a violation to the rules. It was wrong. I called him out for it. Did I call him a douchebag? Yeah. I don't regret it. He purposely silenced a counter-argument to the near-sighted and narrow-minded opinion of forge that he had.

      I don't care what his reasons were for it, it was wrong. He was toxic to the forge community. The forge community was no different than it is here (many of the same members), yet we barely have any need for moderation.

      I'm not surprised you want to defend them....
    9. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      There was one particular post by a staff member that pretty much permanently deterred me from being active on the forge forum at Beyond. I do feel like the people I had issues with on staff have greatly improved how they interact with the community, but I can't personally forget about the past yet. Moving beyond the personal stuff, I really enjoy the community there overall. I've always had great interest in the competitive aspect of Halo, and Beyond definitely scratches that particular itch pretty well. Speaking only for myself, I would never let any personal beef get in the way of doing something that's good for the forge community overall.

      The reason I think a collaboration wouldn't work is solely because of the overall philosophy/approach to tournaments at Beyond. They're extremely hesitant to use anything but default settings (they've used no radar in some 2v2 tourneys, but aside from that have stuck strictly to matchmaking settings). That hesitance to divert from default settings seems to extend to map selection also. I don't know this for sure, but it doesn't seem there's any interest in running tournaments with forge maps (unless those forge maps are in default playlists). Another contributing factor is the fact that their tournaments are sponsored by Astro. Sponsors can complicate collaborative events.

      Aside from that, we have our own tournament plans, and I don't foresee any issues with filling up brackets. A collaboration may grant a wider audience, but at the expense of having tournaments filled with people that aren't really invested in the forge community.
    10. xzamplez
      Well, maybe your opinion would be different had you witnessed it. It was an abuse of power, going against the rules that they established, for the sake of their convenience.

      It was needlessly strict. It wasn't a way of removing the comments that violated rules, it was removing comments they 'thought' could result in comments that violated the rules. Every day they went against their own rules and regulations. There wasn't a Beyond forge community Skype group because it was a welcoming place to be.

      I wouldn't let it ruin that opportunity. That's why I said an apology from the Administrators, for labeling an entire collective of people based on how they play the game, was all I asked for. And I believe it would be justified.
      WaiHo and Xandrith like this.
    11. aPK
      First off, your "early quarrels with Schnitzel" were more than enough to warrant a ban especially considering how frequently they happened despite my constant warnings (which we were very rare for us to give in this first place). So that shouldn't be something you brush off so easily.

      As for other things you were cited for:

      The first time you received points was for getting in an argument with another member about his inability to take feedback. You called him a kid and said "you can be sure that I'll avoid your threads". Overall, nothing too bad but you both got a point. I contacted you and said "Stuff like this doesn't need to be said. Just report the behavior and move on. No need to bait others and take slight jabs." Keep in mind at the time we were very strict on any type of conflictual behavior and also that you only got a single point for that (100 points = permanent ban). Small incident, but you were in the wrong here.

      Second incident was the quoting of the month old post. Despite what you think, it is against the forum rules (which I wrote and know like the back of my hand). There are plenty of general discussion threads and there is a basic understanding of what is and isn't allowed in those type of threads. For example, just yesterday I had to warn users about talking politics in the Halo 5 general discussion thread and without a problem everyone stopped, even if they weren't allowed to get their shots in.

      You called a staff member a "douchebag". You publicly and aggressively questioned moderation twice. This was also derailing the thread when you could've taken it to PMs. Those three things are all against the rules. Obviously a much bigger incident, and you received a week-long ban as a result.

      Third incident (which you're conveniently ignoring) was when you made an alternate account, which is last item in the moderation log for your profile and is the reason why you received your permanent ban.

      You have to understand that not all sites have the same expectations and rules. So your justification of your behavior on Beyond by saying you act no differently here is a poor point to make, although I personally think you've been much less confrontational with other users here so the comparison might not be warranted.
      WaiHo likes this.
    12. WaiHo
      Alright alright aPK, take it to PM's. You are derailing the thread. :kappa:
    13. xzamplez
      So, telling someone that I'm going to avoid their future threads because of their inability to take feedback is "me being in the wrong"? I disagree. I may not have done it in the most tactful way (I don't remember), but that statement was simply me explaining why I wouldn't bother leaving feedback for that person again.

      If it's against the rules to quote a month old post after being inactive for a month, I wasn't aware. Because that's a silly rule. And the excuse of derailing an off-topic thread is still nonsense. And comparing it to debating politics is nonsense.

      I made an alternate account, because I no longer cared to be a member of a site ran by people that has such a cynical view of the forge community.

      Yes, it's moderation is so strict, I hesitated to comment during my time there. It's strict in general, but more so on the forge forum (at least it was).

      EDIT: Just looked at the rule. "bumping old, heated discussion". It doesn't specify how long something has to be out of discussion for/how many pages ago, and it doesn't specify what constitutes "heated". It's purposely vague, so they can delete whatever they want and claim for it not to be an abuse of power. Like I said: It's a silly rule.
      Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
    14. Max Extra
      Max Extra
      Soooo... back to the 2v2 thread, I either i may be blind but i didnt' see if the map makers would get feed back on our maps in the contest. I think it would really help each forger if the judges could give us their feed back as to what we did right and wrong. also why our maps don't move on up the ladder if they aren't chosen. feed back is important i think or we don't move forward.
      a Chunk likes this.
    15. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Well this is getting off topic fast. I'll put on my moderator pants and suggest that if anyone wants to discuss the moderation at Beyond any further that they DO take it to PM's. I'm not going to ban anyone for it. I just don't really want to read about it here.
    16. xzamplez
      Considering there's over one hundred maps, I don't think it's realistic to expect a review of all of them. The best thing you could do is go out of your way to seek feedback for your map(s).
      a Chunk likes this.
    17. Max Extra
      Max Extra
      i dont know about that. just recording the matches and the commentary during them then posting it youtube or something after the judging would work for me. its not to time consuming that way.
    18. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      I honestly wish I could give detailed feedback on every map that's submitted to the site. It's just not realistic. I'm going to be spending a large majority of my free time testing maps over the coming weeks. I simply won't have time to leave feedback on well over 100 maps.

      What I do like to do is leave feedback on some of the maps that show promise and have specific issues that prevented them from going further in the contest. I also enjoy giving feedback to newer forgers (or forgers I haven't really interacted with before) that I think have the ability to really develop their skills and be great forgers.
      Tom Cinder, qrrby, Agatio and 2 others like this.
    19. Max Extra
      Max Extra
      that would be awesome. my submissions range from the 3rd map i made in halo to the 10th and 11th. it would be great to hear something but i do understand 100 maps is a bit crazy.
      a Chunk likes this.
    20. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Trust me, people won't want to hear what we have to say in our private conversations. They're very frank, and they need to be. The judging process is intended to find the best maps, not to give feedback on the submissions.

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