Map Name: Frog King Lair The map name came from when I was playing it after making it. One of the bases outside of the map has the appearance of the upper head of a frog. The barriers are the eyes, man-cannon is the tongue, and the wall corners are the cheeks/face. I saw that and my imagination just ran wild and I thought that Avalanche was the frog's frozen domain/palace/lair. So, I came up with the idea that he was an evil Frog King that lived alone in his blizziardy (I know, not a real word) lair, which is the whole map of Avalanche, watching over evrything. Author: me, Wally16 Map Forged: Avalanche Type of Gameplay: Any gameplay goes with this map. It is glitched (not modded) with out of the map spots and bases, which adds a little more playing area. Base 1 Outside the Map: [B]Base 2 Outside the Map:[/B] [URL=""][IMG] I hope you guys enjoy this map. It hasn't had very much publicity, but it already has 93 downloads.
looks a little bland, i guess thats because i don't really get it, maybe a few more pics would help. p.s.- didn't even know you could get out there
Yeah, those pictures are kind of old. Sorry, that was when I was still building the map, but it still pretty much has that stuff and some more. I just didn't wanna get my post taken down or locked for not having any pictures at all. I'll try and updates the pictures when I can, but I am currently busy with school exams.
I've gotten out of every map, and I have a map variant of each one. I'll post 'em when I have the time. Here's just one I made on Blackout, with out of the map stuff above blackout. I called it Blackin. I'll make a formal post of it as soon as I have the time to get good pictures.
not bad that its outside the map ive not seen anyone one else do that but the map itself is a little odd and slightly sloppy.
I dont wanna sound mean but it doesnt look like it'll provide any different gameplay from default avalanche as it appears to be a starting base out of the map but the rest is just plain avalanche.
Interesting concept...I have not been outside this map yet. I will have to check it out...Keep on fogin!!!
I'll download it because I mostly want a better view of what you've done outside the map. Edit: I didn't like it. I know you made it when the maps came out but this really is just the default Avalanche with more teleporters and all the teleporters are on the same channel. You should probably start with the canvas maps, other wise people may as well use the default Avalanche.
Okay, that's fine. This wasn't supposed to be anything amazing. It was just kind of an extension (I guess is what you could call it) of the original avalanche with just out of the map stuff. I'm gonna post some truly forged maps later.
--- cool map, i dont like avalanche alot it's hard to make a good map of (forge wise) but you did a fair job