thefro3po submitted a new map: Orxgen - Asymmetrical map meant for 2v2 Slayer Read more about this map...
Wow this map from the looks of it has beautiful flow, amazing CQB and long range lines, and great lighting. GT?
This map looks really interesting. Lots of cool angles. Add me up and we can test together. CANADIAN ECHO
Wow. For anyone looking to learn about making proper UNSC corridor geometry and/or believable breaks in color between pieces, look no further than this map. It's... all you need really. I don't have much criticism at all to be honest. I do feel it's a tad heavy on the lights but not much else.
I think you should take the Railgun off a weapon pad and drop spawn it. That many shots is going to break the map in Doubles. I'd also suggest you reduce the amount of lights on your map because you have framerate drops, most noticeably in the space area.
Not since this morning. I work nights, so I just got home. Yeah, I'm a novice lighting technician. Something I must study for sure. I appreciate the praise, I've been looking at a s*** ton of Halo concept art. Eep! Geez I thought if you were under the Lighting budget you'd be good? Sadface. I have much to learn about lighting for sure. Thanks for the heads up and I'll fix the Railgun issue.
Yeah you can do your light with a much lower amount of lights. I think xandrith has a version where I fixed the drops and just down your lighting quite a bit.
Exactly what goat said. The rail gun has way too much ammo for doubles. It's a shame to remove it from a pad, though, since it has potential for awesome Combat Evolved plays currently. There are minor performance issues throughout as well. I love the layout, though. It's nice how little the map relies on hallways. The way everything is segmented is great. The room where Scattershot spawns is arguably a somewhat dead spot in terms of flow, though. I really like how clean, simple, and unobtrusive the art is while maintaining a respectable level of visual detail, too. Great map overall.
Awesome! I'll hunt that down if he still has it. I think I'm just putting way too many lights on lower settings and making every inch of the map shadowless. I must find balance with the darkness. Thanks Duck! My original design had teleporters leading into and out of that room, but it also incorporated a higher level that I ended up leaving out of the final design. I also had a sniper spawning on that balcony and a Hydra where Railgun was, just closer to the prison area. It does offer some unique routes into the computer room, so it'll probably end up a spawning room that players will push out of. I ended up changing the Rail to three shots, I don't like taking the weapons off of the pads, but not being able to change the amount of ammo is quite the downfall for sure, especially for doubles.
If you are on when I get on I will show you a better method. You can do what you are saying without so many lights.
Just deleted a massive amount of lights and re-positioned others. I also added a few color variations so everything won't be the same bland color. If anyone has the time to check out the changes and leave me feedback I'd really appreciate it. I have two long days at work today and tomorrow, but I'm off Monday and Tuesday and I'll be online all day . Thanks in advance.
Inspired, thank you for creating this and thank the community members whom contributed in polishing up this beauty.