Gold Rush

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by DaCHEEZBURGLER, May 28, 2008.


    Senior Member

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    K so i made this map awhile back and I've been told to put it on forge hub by my friend SOOOOOooooooooooooooo, here it is.
    Map Title: Gold Rush
    Made by Da1nONLYfatass (now DaCHEEZBURGLER)

    Download Map
    Download Gametype

    ^^^^^^VIDEO URL I HOPE IT WORKS LOL^^^^^^^
    -Special thanks to xCOLDxZEROx
    so this track starts off with a golden hill then you go through a
    series of turns, drops, mancannons, drifting thingys, pretty much
    everything. If you love racing as much as I do, you have to check this
    out. Here's the youtube film and some screenshots:

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
    Special Thanks to Jujupole

    ENJOY! :)
    #1 DaCHEEZBURGLER, May 28, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
  2. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    It looks like a pretty fun screw-around-with-a-mongoose typa map...but it definitely isnt a race track...if you fall're screwed...doesnt seem like a race map to me... more like a game of chance...

    furthermore...your narcissism is astounding with the adjective placed in front of the title of the video and the fact that you called it "one of the best race tracks in Halo 3"...

    EDIT: it seems as though someone else made the vid for you... my apologies...

    I'd like this by saying that it looks cool...but you should label it something other than a race track...

    #2 SargeantSarcasm, May 29, 2008
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  3. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    I have played this before, it a blast, one of the best race maps ever
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Wow. Cramazing race map. Best I've seen on Avalanche. For sure DL
  5. Surts3y

    Surts3y Ancient
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    o my god this is the best race track ever.
  6. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    First of all, let me say, this is definitely the coolest track i have seen. However, i wouldn't consider this or any of the other tracks similar to it a race track. A race track has to be functional with multiple people. The only way multiple people could "race" on this is if they were all ninjas. It is too narrow and too flying-all-over-ish to be considered a race track. Not that it really matters what you call it, it just gets on my nerves a little. Anyway, great track, but I can't stand energy blockers they are far too bright.
    SargeantSarcasm likes this.
  7. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    thank you sir
  8. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Looks fun for drifting and to mess with!
  9. Teh Harry Wang

    Teh Harry Wang Ancient
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    Let me Say, this is one of the best race maps i have ever seen. Although, i agree with the first guy up there. This map is basically a screw-around, Having fun in forge map. Deffinately not a race track.
  10. Beyond Skill198

    Beyond Skill198 Ancient
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    I've seen this map before and I tried to find it to dl it but it wasn't on forgehub so now I can finally can download it (I think I saw some other guy try to steal your map too...). It looks really sweet. Good job.

    edit: Btw most of your pics aren't working...

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    Thanks for all the nice comments, except for a few...
    But they are just criticizing and they are entitled to their own opinions (even if they involve pointing out bad things in whatever they see and like putting "..." after everything they say). Bottom line: The definition of a racetrack is arguable, i don't give a **** what you say, enjoy it. Nobody really takes racing seriously anyways lol. Sorry for not making a short map on foundry thats two lanes long and goes in a circle. And as far as this map being a game of chance...thats just plain bs. It's called skill. If you suck at driving, practice it, whatever. Don't blame the map, its YOUR fault you fail. O yah, and i believe you will go nowhere in life if you continue to criticize people's creations in a mean way. Be a little less direct, less opinionated, and by doing so, you may become less of a douche bag.

    P.S.- I really appreciate the video reference. Just, yah know, highly necessary as it clearly shows how the map must be bad. I can't beleive you even put it in there in the first place >.>
  12. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I couldnt agree more.

    OMFG, learn how to take critisism. Some people say they dont like your map so you say they'll fail at life, you will fail if you continue being a complete turd.
    I think this track looks very good, it is a solo track, all this would do with upwards of two people is cause jams, falls and fails. Yeah its made great but its not for serious racing.
    A great race track shouldnt have risks, maybe small risks but not ones that either kill you or knock you completely off the track.
    Sure make a race track on Avalanche, but make it functional. If you have a narrow track, put barriers on it. Nothing is worse than falling entirely off of a the track.
  13. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    OMG! fail used in map forums, naughty naughty.
    it does look extremely hard to master, but i haven't seen many tracks like it, which is always a good thing.
    i would add some extra pics, because although the vid is cool, not everyone wants to have to watch a video.
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    If you're refering to me when I said
    I meant that he will (but he hasnt(yet))fail if he is so sensitive when people give their comments.
    ANd i never said that the map failed I meant that most people would fail to complete the track with more than 2 people playing at the same time.
  15. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    I remembered this on Bungie. Too everyone it may be cheatable but you will still have on hell of a time on this. My favorite part is the drifting in the picture. Great racing map. 4.9/5.
  16. Mortarion

    Mortarion Ancient

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    This is the first race map I can honestly say I might enjoy.

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    lol maybe the fail at life was a bit too far.either way, i don't fall when i drive so you shouldn't either with a bit of practice. Who honestly enjoys going in circles on a really short 2 laned race? just not that appealing. I would prefer something challenging and interesting--not something short and simple. and if you die or fall off, big woop deal with it. (i just play it in forge mainly who cares about getting lap points anyhow..) and if i put barriers everywhere theres no challenge and its 3x as short. I made this to make it fun--not to make a racetrack thats perfect and is really short and not really fun. I'm sorry I called it a racetrack. Maybe ill call it a roller coaster who gives a ****. People just need to relax...if you're gonna criticize my map in every way possible, i say make a better one that is absolutely perfect. If you do and it follows your standards (barriers, 2 laned, easy) lets see how fun it is. Try me.
    p.s. (if you do make one, id like to see :) and if u want help making it hit me up)
  18. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    Almost all your pictures aren't working. From the video it looks like fun. Looks like some spots you can fly off to the side and cheat and gain a huge lead, also could use some more 'catch up' spots, otherwise looks like there are only 2-3 possible spots. Could use a king of the kil, and put at the top so people can't cheat. Otherwise, the map itself looks very cool!
  19. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    hold on

    hold on

    hold on

    did someone just tell Sarge that he sucks at driving mongoose?!?!

  20. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    As per unwritten law,WE the consumer,the grand public to which you are parading this map in front of,are fully within our rights to poke,prod and set fire to what you are trying to sell us.
    It is your problem to deal with it,refute,argue back and attempt make us see things your way.
    Telling "WELL YOU DO IT BETTER!DURRRRR!!!!!!!????!" just screams your an immature child who can't take the slightest bit of critisism that someone dislikes your map.And so what if they do?
    "Omg seargent sarcasm isnt licking my feet for my super awesome l337 creationz! what does i do?!"

    While yes i do like the map myself,i agree its a dicking around map.Theres one spot in the whole map you could take over the "lead" meaning its not REALLY a race map since your not really racing.
    That said you couldnt really put it anywhere else.

    Mostly it just looks like a rude goldbergy type track with mongooses.

    Ulterior rule of artistry
    "Not everyone will like your work,DEAL WITH IT"

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