Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

      I give up.u won.infection i assume will be a virus to distroy all? In taking bout the griff ball update has destroyed custom forge games.blockers!
      Game free to good home.
    2. qrrby
      No pics, kicked too quick:

      Grouped 2 drop pod doors together and the game crashed. Had magnets on and nothing but the initial spawns placed.
    3. Overdoziz
      Boulder 15x15x15
      Boulder 8x8x8
      Boulder 5x5x5

      These objects have no collision in Custom Games unless a script is added. The boulder 30x30x30 is working as intended.
    4. RellimJoe
      Yup, same problem here. Grabbing objects then pressing X causes them to rotate all randomly. Totally messed up my map.
    5. qrrby
      Seems to be a grouping bug in general, happened with pre-op date pieces this time.
      Also, was both times were on the new Parallax skybox
    6. Lazy Animator
      Lazy Animator
      What the hell happened with the Hammer Storm update? Sure we got a bunch of great stuff but with it we have a bunch of new glitches! Forge is really buggy now, keeps crashing to the main menu and sometimes even out to the dashboard. The random object rotation as soon as you hit x and the dam position and rotation box keeps jumping in between different axis....freaking unbelievable! Sometimes the highlighted value within the position dialog disapears entirely, so nothing is highlighted. Nearly 50% of the time I spawn/ create an object it makes not one but ten of itself and I have to delete the duplicates one by one. And all this after I read somewhere that Microsoft has this "amazing" analytics engine that crushes bugs faster than anything in it's class. Test your updates before releasing them 343. You broke forge with this update!
      TurbTastic and SimmonsZore like this.
      A beam off light was in my forged game to looked like a water fall but very long and thick. It was pretty cool looking.its on my vid clips.i tryed to move it but couldnt. I hope its affects we get in the future lol.
    8. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      I don't know if this was by accident or design, but since Hammer Storm, certain objects can no longer be set to normal physics (ie, you can only cycle between fixed and phased). As far as I can tell, this affects mainly the non-rendering/non-solid objects like invisible lights, chromas, etc, as well as FX & sound objects (though you can still set spawn points to normal).

      I'm sure this limits things in and of itself, but on top of all that, this limits any groups that include those objects to either fixed or phased (at least as far as changing the entire group's physics). This seriously limits our options for welding.

      Bad news for me, because I've been working on a vehicle welding project for weeks that relies on several FX objects & invisible lights to be welded to it. :(
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    9. Xandrith
    10. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      The change was intentional I believe. This was one of the bullet points in the patch notes from the recent update:
      • Disabled normal physics on a bunch of objects that aren't supposed to support them
      Lazy Animator likes this.
    11. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      Not suppossed to support them? I seem to remember them being so proud of being able to weld sparks to Olive's eyes & still stay together while Olive bounced around. Not possible anymore.
      Lazy Animator likes this.
    12. Lazy Animator
      Lazy Animator
      Yeah it's a fun little mini game they added huh? "Try to forge a whole hour without losing your temper mode" Sooo much fun.
      --- Double Post Merged, Feb 26, 2016 ---
      So instead of fixing the glitch with chromas being solid when you have it set to phased they just removed the option to make them solid... great solution guys, bravo. Or how about instead of that boneheaded idea you just make the physics do what they are supposed to do, some of us use solid chromas in our maps!
      Edit: just remembered all objects are solid during gameplay regardless off their physics type. So under the current system they would need to add another type that was also phased during gameplay, like those chromas. I could see that coming in handy for the checkerboard at the finish line of a race or any shrubbery/ tall grass they may add down the line.
      Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
      Xandrith likes this.
    13. Neo Hybodus
      Neo Hybodus
      Not exactly a forge bug, but the theater is working for custom games again (woot!) but floor objects have no collision... So Spartans "focus-float" around your forged maps and objects with normal physics fall right through. It's pretty funny.
    14. RagnarokXll
      When i was forging with the block 32.32.4 (primitives block) it auto rotates when i want to move it alittle by going into position.. anyone else experienced this issue??
    15. Lazy Animator
      Lazy Animator
      Yeah, anyone who's forged at all since Hammer Storm dropped notices pretty quickly. It's a commonly occurring bug now and one we're going to have to deal with until they manage to fix what they broke. BTW it has nearly nothing to do with what block you are working with. As far as I can tell it happens every few operations and sometimes back to back!
    16. SternMallard
      As far as the auto rotation when trying to group objects, I've only encountered it on ascendence. Changing the skybox seems to fix it for me, let me know if this is just for me, otherwise from this I would say forge in a different skybox until done, then revert to acendence when complete.
    17. Neo Hybodus
      Neo Hybodus
      I get it on multiple sky boxes on alpine. I do not get it if I select by "select all".
    18. UmbraDemon
      Hi, most or all of this may have already been reported, but here goes anyway.

      Saving game settings files crashes the xbox, solution, full restart.

      Pulse lighting not working in game.

      Items changing position configuration when grouped.

      Will be back with more when I have them.
    19. SternMallard
      After forging more, changing the skybox only fixed certain groupings I wanted to do, very strange...
    20. aPK
      When an object touches the water on Alpine, it causes any movement or touch of the object by the player make it sound like they are actually in the water. The only current solution is to place invisible blockers over them, but this method eats up object count very quickly.

      Walking on the flat surfaces of Ring pieces causes massive stutter that almost looks like frame drops. The only current solution is to place invisible blockers over them, but this method eats up object count very quickly.

      The shield pieces rotate up to 1-2 degrees in custom games, but appear just fine during Forge. Any effort to offset the rotation by rotating the item 1-2 degrees the opposite direction provides inconsistent and sometimes worse looking results. There is no current solution.
      WAR likes this.

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