Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. CheeseJam
      I just wanted to reiterate what someone else said: teleporters, when scripted with a move command in Forge, work fine. However, in custom games, they just stay at their spawn point. It seems a few people have run into this issue. Has anyone found a solution?
      Last edited: Feb 16, 2016
    2. Erk
      Soccerball physics are very bad right now. When hit by explosions/melee they often spin wildly out of control in an unnatural way. This makes using them for interesting gametypes almost impossible since the player cannot accurately control them. To me it seems like their center of mass is not set correctly or something of that nature.
      Buddy Jumps likes this.
    3. Neo Hybodus
      Neo Hybodus
      Rotation scripting was already mentioned, but for clarity:
      • It is not possible to reliably rotate welded objects on a single axis.
      • Rotation reset at 0.0 seconds actually takes about .25 or .5 to complete.
      • Rotating a single object on a single axis, the object can lose its center of mass and begin rotating gradually off course.
      • Selecting a welded object while rotating can cause one or all of its parts to become mis-aligned.
      ExTerrestr1al and WAR like this.
      The monitor speed boost does not work with the Halo 4 controller layout. Always thought it was a feature not yet added until a few moments ago.

      Edit: Tested all the other layouts and any that have the left stick set as sprint does not work (Default, Southpaw, Green thumb, Fish stick, and Halo 4)

      Edit 2: It only does not work when clench protection is on.
      Last edited: Feb 15, 2016
    5. Artisan
      The Hammer Storm update sort of fixed the gravity volume issues, but they still don't work as they're supposed to. The invisible barriers have been removed which is a massive improvement, but the gravity changes don't have an effect in custom games... Obviously, this makes them worthless as is. Anyone know if we should expect a patch before the next major update or if we'll have to wait another month?

      --- EDIT ---

      There's a workaround for gravity volumes that makes them work. Fixing Gravity Volumes
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    6. ShinraSOLDIER77
      There's a weird bug regarding rotation of an object, I've made a clip to show what I mean as it's not consistent but it gets infuriating when it happens.

      in the UI when rotating, the selection inconsistently resets to yaw when incrementing it's value. With welded objects, just by bringing up the menu sometimes causes the whole group to reset it's rotation. It happen after I changed the parent in the video but I'm not sure if that's what causes it. Is this happening to anyone else?
      S-Pac likes this.
    7. Artisan
      Invisible barriers are now broken... :( Although they spawn fine in Forge, when tested in Custom Games, the barriers don't exist and can be walked through.


      Not sure what the bug is/was, but I just tested another barrier and it worked fine. I'll keep testing.

      --EDIT 2--

      I've got a workaround: Invisible Barrier Fix
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    8. Outlawled
      I'm also having the invisible blocker issue. None of the blockers seem to be working in custom games regardless of whether I made the map before or after the update.

      I created a blank map and tested several blockers of varying width, height, and length, and none of them worked.
    9. Artisan
      Just updated the post... I have a workaround that'll fix the problem.
      I had issues today before the update which i yet to discover if it is good attall as match making after 10pm uk time is unmatchable! Total diff issue.the game now crashes when im in forge every couple hours.i find myself saving on regular basis.we still dont have item skins lol.when welding items then scripting to move.they break up.i would like a green preview off when highligh (yawn) it will show me the way it will move.before my object is distroyed & spent so long puting togeather in fetailed items.the steam does not work. & when the crap severs really go bad my account changes to 1 & red & cant even forge.most important.i keep changing my map name and keep changing back to the crap name i gave it like test(example)
      Or the map it was made on.and i do see it in my bookmarks but others dont!!!!!the map name i been having maps that are diff may be stoping download and recogonition.
    11. Buddy Jumps
      Buddy Jumps
      Invisible blocker issue - solution:

      The script "Round: Start" > "Spawn" needs to be added to every invisible blocker on your map from now on! ;)
      SCALLY RAINBOW likes this.
    12. Larry Tanng
      Larry Tanng
      This update messed all my maps up. Pieces everywhere have been shifted. This sucks.

      EDIT: Everyone, check all your 32x32x48 blocks and 32x32x32 blocks, because they are shifted by 1.0 on my maps.

      EDIT 2: The center-of-mass and original/root settings got swapped the wrong way too.
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
      SCALLY RAINBOW likes this.
      Wel done 343 you do realise its actually ilegal to delete or change a persons digital creations or / avatar. This is true in certain countries. All been serious.
      TTHE BLOCKERS not all have been messed up.removed.
      My rock"n"roll game
      Totally new to the sceen.distroyed!!!! So days of fun and fixing after alot off people playing.its messed up(unplayable)
      Plus blockers are good for un even 1 more map is not good when on wooden plat forms.griff ball map is a joke.i broke it in my first match by running up the walls edge.seriously.brains for sale!
    14. Zombievillan
      Doesn't have to be grouped or welded. I selected multiple pieces & just opened up the menu to change their colors & all of them shifted, which really sucked because I had made a lot of changes prior without saving so I had to re adjust every thing.
    15. WeedCough
      this is happening to me as well :(
    16. cluckinho
    17. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      This bug used to only happen in Forge, but now it's also happening in custom games.
      Invisible lights show up as black blobs. Seems to happen only to the lights that I've merged into glass. Some of the lights I have merged into glass look normal though (the one pointing up in the vertical orange glass).

      Xandrith likes this.
    18. Zombievillan
      This stupid bastardized update! My lighting is all borked on Trestles, it was perfectly fine pre update & you can see it in my gif on the waywo thread. All of a sudden it's horrid.

      Was perfectly fine last night, now it looks like this:
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
      a Chunk likes this.
    19. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      In addition to the issue I posted above, the lighting on my entire map was darker than it was before the update. I had to change the color of my lights from 80% gray to 60% gray to duplicate the lighting I had before.
    20. Sethiroth
      So here is some objects derendering and just popping in and out.

      The cables to the left and the white block above the hand are just going crazy

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