Yeah, about that... remind your mother to take the pill. I don't want another bast ardent running about.
wasted 3 hours scaling a room and it somehow ended up bigger than the original. i think i'm just going to wait for cubic rocks. Now to play test it to death. Anyone how has me as a friend on xbl can test all you want. I'd love ideas and changes. Particularly weapons. <3 It's Awry1.0
I was looking for maps to play some FFA on with some friends so I downloaded Solo's map, shits amazing.
There's nothing to be offended about. I'd make an awesome step dad. Might even help ya with your forging.
I'm not big on room based maps, and I haven't put much time into 2v2 customs since the original Halo. Ever since Forge's release however, I've looked forward to playing 2v2s on @SoloXIII's maps especially despite being ass at this game. I appreciate his ability to **** out asyms that all feel different while retaining his trademark design and I've enjoyed playing on most of them (I hate stockade though). Seeing the process in action has influenced the way I've designed recently. I'm still hitting my own walls, but I have a much easier time visualizing layouts now. If I ever manage to find a groove I would be content making and playing 2v2s exclusively. I think 4s are too unpredictable and I don't really want to play BTB on large open maps anymore, especially with BR starts. 2v2s however are this game's sweetspot despite the weak 2v2 sandbox.
Well I'm stoked, I just turned off baked lighting on some of the pieces on Trestles. I currently have the lightmap down to like 82% with several items left in budget I can do some extensive prettying up. I just hope this cursed "retrieving data" goes away so I can save the map under the right name instead of "tre ezr scrpt"
Solos a boss. What's funny is early in H5's forge life he was worried about his astheitics not stacking up to other forgers. I laughed at his worries and now look. Hangar looks sooooo damn good it makes me want to cry. GG Solo.
Been trying to get good lighting on Tron without having it be blinding. I found a technique that works really well, but requires a lot of lights. Apparently I now have too many lights on the map, because every time I try to generate lighting it reboots my console.
I have been finishing up my main submission to the 2v2 competition. This map has gone through the most iteration of anything I have ever been a part of before. I am completely satisfied with the geometry, so all I have to worry about now is refining the spawns and weapon layout. The map thread should be up by the end of the week.
Now I just need to come up with a color scheme, any ideas? I still have 200 objects & I am at 85% lightmap so I will be adding some great detail to pretty it up once I get my colors down. Its playing great right now & I am starting to love the power up setup. Heres a walkthrough showing the scripted platforms in work: Plasma Caster top mid, Damage boost spawns at start (12:00, 10:00, 8:00, etc.) and OS spawns 1 minute in (11:00, 9:00, 7:00 etc.) so you cant stack them but you can contest each one every other minute.