ALRIGHT Cobalt is finished structurally. The map still suffers from major lighting issues, but as salty showed me its nothing that can't be fixed. I still have 150 objects to add detail, and thanks to Multi, there are going to be some next level aesthetics. A new route has been added between bottom mid and snipe room, and the receiver node from rocket room has been moved up to the high catwalk above the sniper. I have also added a ce style window that allows for people to grenade and shoot at that catwalk from various places, and vice-versa. If you are going to check it out, don't generate lighting. I will get back to you all when it is safe to do so.
I don't know who you are, I don't know what you want. If you're looking for a ransom, I'll tell you I don't have money. But what I do have, is a soft spot for aesthetics. But seriously, cool stuff man. Love coming home from a hard day of work and seeing two pages full of pics to get the juices flowing. You should forge something.
Sweet lava bro, I'm stealing that. I had planned on staying up late last night forging but my wife had different plans. She kept bending over in front of me with those devilish yoga pants on, I caved in fairly quickly & decided I could always forge tonight.
The best solution I've found so far, since I certainly share that sentiment, is to unbake the lighting on pretty much every object and then place white point lights around the map. I currently have all my lights set to about 150 distance and 10 brightness, and as such the entire map is really bright... still gotta tinker with that.
Some of us deny Onslaught's influence on us, while others embrace it. You've chosen your path. Put this on.
Slowly but surely, Yen is coming along. Map movement has changed drastically after I realized that a lot of the paths I had placed in the map were hardly ever utilized (with the weighting of the gameplay assets placed and ease of access). Also, implemented some of the suggestions A3LG.
PAY YOUR DEBT!!! I don't want to have my goons break your legs. I'm just kidding Gandrith you know I cannot walk far enough to do it.
Thanks, man, glad you like it. Actually there is no secret, it's just a different gobo effect. The essentials for my lava aesthetic would be: Chroma [Red or Lava colour] - Several lights above Chroma [Spot, Red or Lava colour, Gobo: Caustics (Fast)] - Sound [Lava Flow] - Light(s) beneath Chroma [Point, Red or Lava colour, Fall off Ratio: 0.10-0.30, Brightness: Low] I don't know, I just wanted to make my own lava flow, since I didn't like the one that got featured. It can also look pretty nice in dark environments: Does anyone know why Chromas sometimes let you go through and sometimes not? I'm confused about them... Breakout in an arabic looking town anyone?