As for the contest, I really support Chunk's last comment. Like the 1v1 Smackdown contest, we are developing a tournament with some of the winning maps. We are looking for a wide range of diversity to help fill the map pool. Every map must feel unique in gameplay and reception to help provide a memorable and colorful tournament later. Unfortunately, the 1v1 smackdown tournament never transpired past the actual forge contest but we can assure you that the Throwdown tournament will be handled differently. The 1v1 Smackdown tourney was to be hosted by ESL on July 19th but there were things that made it fall apart on their end. To preserve the integrity of this contest and to prevent any potential cancellations of the tournament, we will be organizing the 2v2 Throwdown tournament ourselves.
Everyone just forge whatever way. If you want to try and please a judge do it. I you want to cook a steak do it. If you want to wipe your ass do it. @WARHOLIC that erked me after spending so much time editing maps for it.
If you want to impress me, I will award automatic 5 stars to whoever makes a campaign looking terrain map and sends noods.
Could care less (no, not really) about the maps, but I'm really keen on the settings y'all use. I heard there's a pretty cool guy round here with what you could call 'better settings'. Eh? Eh? --- Double Post Merged, Feb 8, 2016 --- Dismembered is the way to go. You should see my collection I've got stashed away. Tricky part is keeping them stored properly.
I want one judge who prefers Chiron TL-34, one who prefers Spire, and one who prefers Condemned. Then we'll see a truly diverse 2v2 map contest.
Not sure if this does anything for you, but Boarding Action Snipers is one of the best 2v2 gametypes of all time (it's also one of the best 4v4 gametypes).
ALRIGHTY I have put a ridiculous amount of time and thought into this map. I'm not saying this to brag, but to warn everyone that I might throw a conniption fit and disapear if this map is a failure. It's probably easy to tell that this map pays homage to chill out, but I assure you that it is completely my own design. It is far from done, so if anyone wants to take a closer look and give any feedback before I spend time on aesthetics, that would be awesome. I want to give a super colossal shoutout to Multilockon, xzamples, a Chunk, and Given 2 ply for all the criticisms.
I'm a little proud of myself, because I saw the pictures before I saw your username, and I thought to myself "Yep, this is a Xandrith map." Looks cool, and yeah, I noticed the Chill Out resemblance.
Not going to lie, I've always had a soft spot for that map... But only when I have the sniper and no one else does. lol