You really should decide how large you want your map to be before you even build it. More people should use self made grids. I feel like I'm the only one. 2v2 is absolutely my ****. If it's a playlist... it's the only playlist I see. Too often I see people saying 'looks too big for 2v2' but that can't be more far from the truth. 4v4 sized maps play 2v2 just as good. 2v2 isnt 4v4, its a whole different experience and gametype and doesn't have to be constant battle. 2v2 is way more enjoyable when every strike at the other team is a planned and meticulous encounter and you can't do that on small maps. So I'm sure your maps are fine for 2v2, don't feel like they're too big.
As long as your positions have a deliberate purpose you should be fine even if the map is "too big". 2v2 can function on a larger scale of sizes than 4v4 can. Just look at the difference in the volumes for Overgrowth and Fathom or Eden, they are vastly larger maps but still play well. Or think back to Halo 3, both Guardian and The Pit played doubles well and The Pit was way larger than Guardian. I guess what it comes down to is just focus on if it plays how you want it to rather than the size.
Thank you for saying this. Whether a map works for 2v2 or 4v4, etc, really depends on the flow and the pathing, not the physical size of the map, and I feel like that's something a lot of people forget. yoooooo chhhhhilllllllll
I know I use The Pit a lot, but look at it for example. It was mean't for 4v4 but also plays perfect for 2v2. Sometimes what appears to big for 2v2 actually works fine.
when I say it looks too big for 2v2 i'm mostly talking about sightlines. I don't like long ranged cross map battles, especially when you can thrust behind cover and disappear. I also don't like slow playing 2v2s. i generally don't want to go larger than 260 x 260, but reaching that scale while working with terrain is a constant challenge.
I apologize, you're the only girl on the site (that I know of) so I just did that. Now I feel bad because my bad Internet personality crossed the line. Sorry. Also, I could have sworn it said "but rocks are massive" when I quoted it but now it says "it's massive".
nooo im not mad lol, are you kidding ive been on xbox for years i can handle a **** joke edit: also, that isn't the f-word in there.
well now I'm interested. is it the d-word? c-word? s-word? The ambiguity is killing me @Zombievillan by no means am I a scripting expert but I do believe I could figure this out after my many bouts with an elevator. I'll mess with it tomorrow and pm you if I figure something out! Edit: Zombie it sounds like your platform might be rotating in the wrong direction if it keeps "falling" into the water
Ok cool, I would never say something like that in person lol. Maybe I thought my internet muscles were bigger than they actually are. In other news I'm going to keep at that scripting platform tonight but also lay down some spawns so if anyone is interested in playing a 2v2 on my curvy round map it should be ready by the morning just please give me some feedback if you do. I tried to pick aPK's brain but he was too busy testing the sweaty pipe infested map with 3LG & other super cool forge pro gais.
the d-word lmao, I wanted to clarify because if it were the f-word i'd still sound mad. i can't convey how i would've said "yo chillllll" but it definitely wouldve been in a jokey way lol
Ah lot of forgers prefer much smaller quake stylized maps for 2v2s. Not saying there's anything wrong with that, but those sorts definitely think their preference is superior to the alternatives.
Whelp, I forgot about lighting so while my map is playable it's terribly ugly atm, either way I got to test it a bit tonight & right off the bat the dualing snipers just aren't going to work. Light rifle is a lot more beastly than I thought as well. I tested Damage boost on the (soon to be scripted) platform, plasma caster top mid & OS in thee circle room. They seem to like the damage boost but I'm weary of the thrust punch one hit kill & plasma caster worked well. Not sure about OS with the damage boost combo.
So I finally played with the revered Zombievillain. He's a pretty cool guy. Also finally getting some games on some 2v2 submissions the last few days. Fierce competition, indeed.
Not liking toggle crouching means I don't respect the game mode? Okaaaaaaaaay There can still be "meticulously planned" encounters on smaller maps. And by smaller I don't mean Derelict or Midship. I like strategic gameplay, but I don't intend to make something that's either swiss-cheesy or otherwise ends up playing at a snail's pace, as large maps with a flat sightlines often tend to. That kind of gameplay is boring to me, especially when radar comes into play.
I wouldn't say that. Some of them are pretty good. It just bothers me that forgers let design preferences cloud their judgment. I try to keep my distance from most forgers because of disagreements like these. I admire and appreciate all the hard work everyone puts into their maps, and I enjoy playing most of them, but I can never get on the hype train for any map. At the end of the day all I see if a decent map that offers enjoyable game play, nothing ground breaking or mind blowing. I find it exceedingly difficult to put on map, or style of map, above others that break the quality threshold. Ironically, I'm vehemently anti Bernie. Lol.