GIMP >^<Updates >^< Paths - July 28th [jumpto] Paths[/jumpto] The GNU Image Manipulation Program, or GIMP, is a raster graphics editor used to process digital graphics and photographs. Typical uses include creating graphics and logos, resizing and cropping photos, altering colours, combining multiple images, removing unwanted image features, and converting between different image formats.GIMP can also be used to create basic animated images in GIF format. It is often used as a free software replacement for Adobe Photoshop, the most widely used bitmap editor in the printing and graphics industries; however, it is not designed to be a Photoshop clone. The project's mascot is named Wilber. The project was started in 1995 by Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis and is now maintained by a group of volunteers under the auspices of theGNU Project. The latest version of GIMP, v. 2.4.5, was released on March 1, 2008. Available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GIMP is free software, however this (as with all software licensed under GPL) is a reference to your ability to modify the source-code, rather than be able to use it gratis. That's what Wikepedia has to say about GIMP. I use Gimp for all my 'photoshop' needs. A lot of people use Gimp over PS because, it s free. Thats right, FREE! Here i have compiled some tutorials about features and things you can do in gimp. If you would like to add something. Please provide a Tutorial, pictures if you can, and where you found this Information. I might add some tutorials from other sites. So here we go. How To Add Color There are several ways to change the color or colour of your layer. We are going to start off with a... blob? As you see in this picture, we have a black blob. Yup, we are going to change the color of the outline of the blackness. Then your going to want to go to COLORS>COLOR BALANCE. Mess around with your colors. After you go into the direction of the color you want, but don't exactly have it, click on the picture again, and the bars will pop up again. Fonts (How To Download) Fonts, a basic element in a signature. I use the site 1001 Fonts .com for all my fonts. You can use other sites, but i know how to use this one, and I am pretty sure it applies for others. First, go to the site, and pick a category from the right panel. Find a font that you like. Click on the font. Maybe give a preview, make sure you like it. Click the download button, and save in YOUR DOCUMENTS. Then go to your documents, find the file, and click 'extract all'. After that, copy the little file in that folder, with a T in the icon. Then your going to want to go 'My computer' and find the 'Windows' folder. It's probably somewhere in your local disk. Then in the windows foolder, find the Fonts folder. Paste it in there. Then, go to Gimp, go to fonts, and if you didn't restart gimp, when you click on the fonts box, click the little Fonts/paintbrush button then refresh. If its too confusing, say something. Find your font, and Viola! You have a pimp font. How To Save Well, i hear a lot of people who don't know how to save it and upload to their sig. Well, here is how. On your image screen, click on FILE>SAVE AS. Now, this is my personal opinion, I would suggest to always save like this. "File name.png" The "png" ups the quality. Then just merge the invisible layers. Then upload it to your hosting site and paste the URL in your sig box. Brushes This is very hard to explain, in my opinion. So, i'm going to do the best I can. I'm also going to add a youtube video(not mine). I like to download my brushes from deviantART: where ART meets application! or 22Pixels | By Artists For Artists Now, your probably saying in your head, "Alby, have you lost your mind! 22 Pixels in for Photoshop." Well, it works for Gimp also. I have about 300 brushes from that site. Ill show you how to use Deviantart. First off, go to CATEGORIES>RESOURCES>APPLIACTION RESOURCES>GIMP BRUSHES. Find a brush pack you like, then click it. Then click download. Go to your Gimp Brushes folder(watch video) Find the folder, go into it, take the file and drag it into the big folder. I dont use this method, still works i guess? though i don't have a Mac, this is the method I use. to add fonts in video form, same site. are some lists of resourcefull sites. deviantART: where ART meets application! 1001 Fonts .com GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program Feel free to ask me questions. Again, if you have anything to add. Tell me in this thread.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Alby. I've had GIMP for a while now and I just didn't know how to work it.
Thanks so much for that, Alby! I'm a big GIMP user, and I certainly appreciate the links for the brushes and fonts. +rep big time!
Nice tutorial.It explains everything very well. If you know the fire text technique you could post another tutorial on that.
Ha, this was definitely needed, as some people just couldn't google it themselves. It should be stickied
Paths [aname] Paths [/aname] Paths are very, very useful. They can cut renders out, make shapes, and do a bunch of different things. Here's some basics. That is the path tool ^^ You click once to add a circle, (anchor) and then make another circle to create a path. You can keep adding. You can also curve it by picking the middle of the line, and pull it anywhere. And, you can stroke the line by pressing Edit> Stroke path or just click the stroke path button on Gimp itself.
It all seems interesting but in all Im not too interested about this sort of stuff. Now that I have commented im done.
Great tutorial, although I always use photoshop instead of GIMP. Id like to add two more links for fonts/brushes:, absolutely incredible. Best font site I've ever seen, I dont need to use anything else., great brushes. (edit: Whoops I just realized that its for photoshop only. There still good!)
Thanks for the two feedbacks and bringing this thread back. I will add the font site to the original post. Thanks Opo.
Thanks for making this tutorial. I can now make my own sig-pics... though i'm not sure how they'll end up looking. thanks though.
Awesome tut, i just switched to PS though so it's not really going to be used by me personally... whatever i think this deserves to be *stickied*
omg thank you, you have no idea how many people ask me about how to get text and all that crap in to gimp. I'm just going to send them all here