ForgeHub January Site Updates

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Feb 1, 2016.

By ForgeHub on Feb 1, 2016 at 2:28 PM
  1. ForgeHub

    ForgeHub The heart of the Forge community
    Administrator Senior Member

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    As many of you may have noticed, ForgeHub received quite a substantial site update when the New Year arrived. Everything was overhauled regarding visuals and backend performance. If you haven't experienced the new site on a mobile device, we strongly encourage you to test it out as this was one of the most requested feedback items we addressed. When the ForgeHub v3 site update first launched, things may have looked out of place. Over the course of this past month we've spent the time to address many of the migration issues and will refine the site further over time. ForgeHub is dedicated to bring you more updates in the future to create a more feature rich environment. For now, please read through some of our accomplishments from January.

    1. 'Featured Maps' section moved below 'News' section on homepage.
    2. 'Events Calendar' added to homepage
    3. 'Twitter Feed' sidebar added to homepage
    4. 'Enhanced Search' and 'Elastic Search' installed to improve search functionality.
    5. Default game set to Halo 5 when submitting map
    6. Improved image carousel functionality on map page.
    7. Image stretching for thumbnail images shown on 'Maps' page are fixed. All thumbnail images for maps posted before today will still appear stretched or constrained. All images for maps submitted from today on will appear with correct proportions.
    8. Formatting: Automatically capitalize map titles when shown on in the horizontal map list. This is the 'search map page'.
    9. Bug Fix: 'Trending Maps' sidebar now displays and updates information. All data fields previously showed up as zero. This area displays maps with most comments for the last 30 days.
    10. Co-Forger author name is now displayed in the horizontal map list next to the primary author. Now reads: "author and co-forger, time".
    11. 'Comments' and 'Views' are now visible on the search map page. Values were previously set at zero per map and did not update. This is the small image icon that shows up with a number next to it for each map in the horizontal map listing.
    12. 'Top Maps' sidebar now display ratings for each map.
      Removal of Scrolling bars for featured maps section on homepage and map page.
    13. All map titles capitalized when listed in 'Top Maps' sidebar. Color set to blue for mouse over effect.
    14. Map titles displayed in the 'Trending' sidebar are now clickable and interactive.
    15. 'Short description' character allowance increased to display full text on maps page.
    16. Star rating color changed from yellow to electric blue for thematic consistency.
    17. When clicking on map filter tabs such as 'Newest, Featured, Top Maps' on the map page the 3 featured maps at the top would disappear. This has been fixed, the featured maps remain on the page when filtering through content.
    18. Halo 5 gametypes Strongholds and Breakout removed from Halo 2 map submission options.
    19. Star color for unrated maps changed from bright white to dark grey. This helps makes relevant content stand out more prominently.
    20. 'Featured Maps' section displays most recently featured maps at the top of the page. This was previously set to random and would often times display maps from MCC and Halo 4.
    21. New 'Grifball' game type selection available for Halo 5 map submissions.
    22. Map titles listed in the 'Trending' maps sidebar auto capitalized.
    23. Forge Canvas selection now saves when submitting a map. This would disappear when editing a map post.
    24. Updated weapon selection list for Halo 5 - now includes all weapons separated by faction: UNSC, Covenant, Forerunner.
    25. Included new 'Vehicle' selection for map submissions.
    26. OBJECTS map category added in preparation for forge prefab saving and sharing.
    ForgeHub is dedicated to deliver the best experience possible for sharing the content you are creating in Halo 5 forge. To help make your experience here more enjoyable, please share your thoughts, concerns and feature requests below.

    <3 - The ForgeHub Team
    #1 ForgeHub, Feb 1, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2016
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Feb 1, 2016.

    1. ThisIsNotTheNSA
      Sorry if I’m missing it, but where is the button to mark everything as read?
    2. Preacher001
      Though it's great to see an objects category, as I stated in the thread I created, don't you think this warrants it's own dedicated section with subcategories? As off course as Halo art creations were in the old map thread, the addition of prefabs will further dilute the current map thread. The Millennium Falcon at least takes time and effort to create, where as the new feature may find numerous prefabs that only use a few creatively placed objects. Someone could upload dozens of ideas in hours. Is Maps really the place this should go?

      My thread if you missed it: Prefab - Are we prepared?
      WAR likes this.
      New to forghub with tons of forging hours. thanks for the updates and keeping forge alive!

      Great work FORGEHUB.
      WAR likes this.
    4. OldsirenDC
      To change the download link from post map update - to edit map. I initially thought it would be in there or at least when posting a map add a bit of text saying the change the download link go to post map update, just a little bit of feedback but hope it helps!
      WAR likes this.
    5. iParanormal
      I think it would be good to change the "recent threads" section to "recent posts". This way the section would update when posts are made in any thread which would put more current and popular discussions on front page.
      WAR likes this.
    6. OldsirenDC
      Also as additional feedback, please make a tab in the maps section specifically for our own maps, it makes it easier to get to our own maps rather than going into our profile.
      EX: Newest, Featured, Top Maps, Most Downloaded, Your Maps

      And please add a feedback button for the website so we can give feedback in an easier way please, or an official thread to post these.
      ImDahUnicorn likes this.

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