Haha, unfortunately that version is just a set piece version (red lights on a door in High Charity always meant "locked" after all ). But don't think I haven't thought about making a functioning one lol. I'll probably try my hand at that once we get true proximity triggers.
Working on a BTB map with H1 inspired aesthetics. I'm pretty happy with it so far, just need to playtest. http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/The Grim Dealer/video/13943281
Yeah. :/ I figure if I can make the animation look close enough I'd feel at home with it. Would be cool if we could set SFX to trigger by scripting events though. EDIT: Wait... can sound emitters be scripted to spawn & despawn?
ForgeHub I'll be having a custom game testing out my map at 6:00pm EST on Saturday, and Monday. My gamertag is: PredatorHunterG The map supports: -Strongholds -CTF -Neutral Flag -FFA -Slayer Here are some images of the map:
I have two hallways that are pretty dark. Really struggling with making the lighting pieces look natural
place a grey or dark color point light at a low brightness at the bottom of the room in the middle of the paths (twilight blue is nice) and shine it at the ceiling. mess with the radius as necessary.
2v2 most likely. --- Double Post Merged, Jan 16, 2016 --- I really wish we had enough objects to do stuff like this in actual maps.
I'm definitely going to have to do some experimenting with that then. I'm not at home so I can't check this, but it seems like you might be able to work it so that when your proximity trigger tells the door to open, it sends a message to despawn a dummy object. Dummy object On Despawn sends a message to spawn the sfx. Set the respawn timer of the dummy object to however long you want the sfx to last, then On Respawn the dummy object tells the sfx to despawn. Seem like it would work? Or am I making it more complicated than it has to be?
Someone managed to find a large space outside of Eden. Big enough for a BTB map with a city aesthetic.