just trolling also goat I would like to see you just use ar the whole time with kurismic, multi or xandrith on goldleaf. I think I have another color scheme set-up for hot trash it is just not a top priority.
TIL you can just hold down right bumper and paint your cursor around to select multiple objects. I've been clicking RB for every object all of this time haha.
So what I do is this? On my walls set a multi condition that the walls only move when I get the message from my script brain that has the timer and when a power channel is set to on. On my script brain I have it sending the message on a timer to the walls. On another brain I have a power state turned on when round starts. So only when both of those things happen the walls will move. And since round start doesn't trigger in forge that means the walls will only move in the custom game.
I JUST discovered this yesterday I would have been much further along if Halo 5 wouldn't stop disconnecting me from the servers, dumping me out of Forge, or even quitting the build on me every time I dare to copy a 20 piece group. AAAAAHHHH!!!!
Does anyone know is any certain actions cause that grouping bug to happen where when you load up your map in forge all of a sudden many of your groups will all be grouped together in one large group?
It's a bug, nothing you did to cause it. Though apparently it's working better for some people now (not me though, unfortunately).
Last night I had it in the worst way. My forging buddy and I even ungrouped them all, went through and made the separate groups again. Then sure enough when we went back into forge again they were all one huge group again. It's frustrating because we can't get the bug to stop happening to the same pieces now.
Thanks for the relay. I have been planning to pull all the levels away from each other to make all the stabilizer jumps also require crouching, as I don't want to restrict the movement to just the hard routes. As for the scatter grenades, I just completely disagree. They are extremely useful in maps like this, and they are already in an advantageous position. The increased movement restriction may increase their allure, but its not something I have any issue with in the first place.
Thanks! It has a partial interior, just the two hangar bays on either side of the ship and hallways connecting them. Just needed somewhere for the defenders to spawn when their main hangar has enemies in it. I might add a bit more interior, depends on how many pieces are left after the Covenant cruiser is finished.
Alright, after messing around for a while and sketching some stuff, I started the for real version. I'm trying to be as conservative as possible until the map is playable. The "snow" is supposed to be cherry blossoms in the wind, but I only just started messing around with that. Special thanks to MultiLockOn for brainstorming aesthetic ideas with me.
Literally added sakura petals last night to an aesthetic (and more.. oooo) map I'm making right now. Slight movement (0.50) on X, Y, and Z with a neon pink color. We're on the same wavelength. Twins.
No, I was the guy using the Pistol. Seth, aPK and Solo were all using the AR and by the end of the game, so was I.