Custom Games Bake Lights Issue

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ToRn1ne, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. ToRn1ne

    ToRn1ne Mythic

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    I have been working on a Forge map using the Breakout Arena canvas and recently after adding lighting and the camera intro sequence the map fails to properly bake lights in custom games. Instead the lighting I get on the map in custom games is the lighting one would first see on a Forge map prior to generating lighting. However, the physical lights that I have placed still properly function as you can see them still being projected.

    Has anyone else encountered this issue and know of a fix? I looked around and couldn't find anyone with the same problem and when I enter Forge and manually bake the lights everything works fine.
  2. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I wish I had that problem. I think the forge lighting is so much better. I have broken the light map on a few maps and the lighting when I load forge is perfect. It's weird that if you turn off the light bake on everything then bake lighting you don't get the same result. I did hear someone else in the shoutbox had this problem last week so you might want to ask there. Sorry I couldn't help.
  3. ToRn1ne

    ToRn1ne Mythic

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    Thanks for the lead. Albeit this isn't the worst issue to have as the map experiencing this issue doesn't look bad with the forge lighting. Mainly I want the lighting to work so that I can get feedback on my lighting technique as I'm new when it comes to working with lighting in map editing tools, and if I make a map down the line where lighting makes or breaks the experience I'd like to know a solution.
    REMkings and Chronmeister like this.

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