I get more of an ancient Crete vibe off this than Chinese tbh. It's a bit Minoan looking architecturally.
Here is the timbit i have been working on, wanted to hold off until the end of jan but I wanted to post what xandrith got his inspiration from. My GT is Xdemption for those who wish to see it
Get that League of Legends reference outta here, I can taste the salt. And damn those windows look incredible.
Its actually a reference to the son of ra from Egyption legend in which league of legends derived from. so bleh
I get why you would think that, but hopefully the finished product will look very chinese with the addition of a lot of detail. Multi and I have already spent like 3 hours just talking about its potential.
Totally derailing this little blurb - when are you finishing and officially posting Aegis? That map is the bee's knees.
Still don't really know what I'm doing. Figured I'd have more luck jumping into Forge and just making something, rather than sitting around trying to come up with the perfect map in my head and then never starting anything. At least this way I can get some feedback. Oh, and this is just an experimental blockout. Not supposed to be pretty right now.
The colors give me original Xbox logo vibes. Also Forge protip: always use Glob Blocks - the more, the better.
Well, I've gotta say...you've convinced me. My life is now dedicated to glob blocks. Also, I was just watching The Shining, so the beginning of that video freaked me out a little bit.
Working hard on a blockout of the next one. Gonna do a 4v4 symmetrical map, to recover from the asymm balancing struggle of Nowhere (which is almost ready to post - just need to do some final gameplay testing).
I appreciate the feedback WARHOLIC. As soon as I started blocking it out I began to notice some glaring problems and after taking a step back I can see how the different areas of my map would act as really separate and distant areas of battle with limited interaction between them. It took me forever to really get a grip on controlling flow and scaling in Halo 4 and it looks like I'm gonna have to begin experimenting again to get a feel, and before I'll be able to easily plan on grid paper again. For now I'll have to jump back and forth. Not going to get attached to anything at this point, just enjoying the learning process as I am once again a forge noob. P.S. - Man you guys are really making some sexy maps.
I'm working on taking the base Ideas of Ascension, and working out the very flawed kinks to make a map with a similar concept, that is the land pillar in the middle of the map, with several surrounding structures. I usedmy style of "7-Hexes" to plan out the interaction between areas (that is a hexagon surrounded by 6 further hexagons) this allows me to think of how "hexes" interact with the opposite and surrounding hexes, and how they all work together to create the intended flow. I'm gonna have some screenshots of the playable version soon My main goals in the map are: Vastly improved sight line control making the middle a very inviting place to be used, as opposed to the open death plain of the original. It's not going to be a super defendable position, but will be an excellent place to use to cross the map, and mount attacks on buildings with more vertical space in the middle. generally, the higher you are in the middle, the more exposed you are, but the stronger the position. buildings that are much easier to mount an offense on but are not weak. condensed power weapon/pick up set, Rocket Launcher, 1 Sniper, 1 Hydra and an OS. I'll be hoping to get some more testing this week. message Kell Of Scots if you'd like to help, I'll open up the floor to other tests afterwards.
Yes again, I am playing around. Getting a little better at decorating stuff though! I may have...possibly...shown off my 2v2 WIP Map. lol
Changed my mind about what I said the other day. I do not appreciate people running around on my experimental scratch canvases and talking **** about things I have built like it's some kind of finished product. So many people looking at my stuff and messaging me about it. This close to wiping my list and blocking friend adds until they've removed that feature.