Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by WAR, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The ability to select ALL existing Groups. I would rather disband and or delete all of my groups than try to deal with this bloody grouping glitch.
    AnonomissX likes this.
  2. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'd like to point out that for forgers like me, center-of-mass rotation should be the only option for all forge objects. This is goddly important to asymmetrical maps. Also, when I change the rotation setting to center-of-mass, it doesn't change the in-menu coordinates, just the coordinates it shows when you are actually pointing at the object. This creates the very annoying problem of having to actually look at the object I'm moving in situations where I can't actually look at it.

    Setting the rotation setting to center-of-mass should reflect all of the objects coordinates everywhere across the board, especially where it's most important; the Object Properties.

    Anther very important thing is the Camera Lock-on. I don't use it, because when you lock onto an object, the control is 100% opposite of what the natural human brain wants to do. (at least for me) Bungie made it the way they did for a reason in Reach. They made it that way, because it was right in sync with how human minds work. 343i should seriously consider implementing an option for us to flip it back, while keeping the original setting for those who are used to it now.

    NOTE: I posted this in the bugs thread by mistake, so I'm reposting here, even though some of what I just said could be bugs.
    #62 Larry Tanng, Jan 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    AnonomissX and Yumudas Beegbut like this.
  3. razeryan

    razeryan Legendary

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    I really think there should be an option to remap forge controls specifically! Using A & B to change elevation is a terrible way to fly around. A & B should be assigned to adding and removing from selection so that bumpers can be used to fly up and down. Who's idea was it to set it up that way in the first place?
  4. ReclaimerX22

    ReclaimerX22 Promethean

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    It's a very smart idea, actually. With the new multi-select tool and the "paint-select" ability, having "select" mapped to right bumper makes paint selection so easy when you can hold right bumper and use the right stick to move your cursor over all the objects you want to select simultaneously. It saves so much time whereas if object selection was mapped to A, you would have to select each object individually, as you can't hold A and move right stick at the same time. For 3 or 4 objects it wouldn't be so bad, but when trying to select 20+ objects at once it would take forever. Having the bumpers control elevation is certainly intuitive, but it really only makes practical sense for controlling a camera in theater or an aerial vehicle during gameplay, as in forge you don't need to change your elevation and pan your camera at the same time, but you do need to hold the selection button and pan your camera for paint-select to work, so RB is the best option.

    As for A & B controlling elevation, it's not too bad, I just wish there was an option for swapping A&B's functions, since there are two ways of thinking at play. B is higher on the controller, therefore B should ascend and A should descend -OR- during gameplay A is jump and B is crouch, therefore A should be ascend and B should be descend.
    #64 ReclaimerX22, Jan 8, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2016
    AnonomissX likes this.
  5. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    When I 'download' a persons map I want the ability to 'Save' or 'Save As'. The next best thing would be to have that option when accessing my Bookmarks.
    Currently if I want to save a map I have to add the bookmark, load the map up in forge, and then save or save as.
    AnonomissX and Preacher001 like this.
  6. SlurSniper

    SlurSniper Legendary

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    Skybox items, low poly, lighting free objects that cost very little on the overall performance budget.
  7. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Turn bake off on objects to free up your lighting budget.
    AnonomissX likes this.
  8. Paidtoasterkill

    Paidtoasterkill Legendary

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    a way to make object move to certain spaces at certain time like asteroids and spaceships
    AnonomissX likes this.
  9. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    THIS. I like weapon pads. I just want to be able to use them on 2v2 maps.

    Also a waypoint toggle would be nice.
  10. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I 'third' this, please let us customize ammunition for weapon pads! 2v2 will be so much better
    AnonomissX, Yekkou and a Chunk like this.
  11. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    That, or we need a proper static spawn option.
  12. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    We should have both, to be honest.
  13. ReclaimerX22

    ReclaimerX22 Promethean

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    Pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean by static spawn? Does just placing a weapon down not function like it used to?
  14. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    A static spawning weapon spawn at set intervals. If you set the timer to 60 seconds, it respawns every 60 seconds no matter what. Weapon Pads can use static spawning, but the weapon pads have downsides (especially for 2-4 player matches) like letting the opposing team know when a weapon is picked up (which also gives away their location), and the inability to adjust the amount of ammo for the weapon.

    Using traditional placement works essentially the same way it's always worked. If you set the timer to 60 seconds, it will respawn either 60 seconds after the weapon is 'disturbed' (this would generally mean after it gets picked up, but it could also be disturbed by grenade or other means), or 60 seconds after the previous one is dropped (either because the person who picked it up last swapped it out for a different weapon, or because they died).
    ReclaimerX22 and SloppyBottom like this.
  15. Mudgattor

    Mudgattor Legendary

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    Save forged objects to use in other maps. Like a building or bunker.
    How many times does the Pelican have to be promised in forge before someone actually does it?
    Have all previous vehicles available.
    Change color schemes of vehicles.
    AnonomissX likes this.
  16. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Your wish is coming true.

    Source: Reddit
    AnonomissX and Yumudas Beegbut like this.
  17. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Create a “Favorites” section where we can place our most commonly used pieces. This will reduce the amount of time required to find the pieces we use most. I tend to build out and brainstorm map designs using only a handful of pieces. These are what I consider my primary building blocks which I will replace and refine later.
    AnonomissX, a Chunk and SloppyBottom like this.
  18. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    • Please remove all detailed trim and rounded edges. Restrict these visual details for the ‘decorative’ or 'detailed' piece set. Without object construction and stretching tools I believe this is to be a more pure representation of primitive blocks.
    For example, the 8x8 primitive block has latches on the edges that stick up from the surface. When this piece is merged together the latches complicate the visuals for what could have been a uniform flat texture.

    There are many other pieces in the primitive pallet that had minimalistic details as well. I would suggest removing all of them and providing pieces that are completely uniform so we can merge blocks together to create objects while maintaining uniform surfaces.


    1. Polygons (hexagon, pentagon) - There are a number of classic pieces missing from the previous forge pallet. One of the most widely used were the platform series. Some hexagonal pieces would be very useful for our building needs to fulfill that hole. Here are some suggested items to include to our primitive set below:

    These could help to visually identify power weapon placement, gravity lifts or objective sites.

    Pairing polygons to scale with trapezoid pieces provides more opportunity for creative piece usage and object grouping. Some examples of this can be found below:

    Gates, doors, platforms, decoration, object grouping - the practical use cases are limited to imagination.


    No need to hide unsightly seam-lines when merging or combining these objects together.

    When this piece is used in combination with itself, it fits together seamlessly to create unusual flooring. Below are some examples of detailing individual pieces with color to create interesting textile patterns to be used deccorationaly.


    TEXTILING APPLICATIONS - Decorative walls or flooring

    Pairing hexagons with pentagons provide perhaps the most unique capabilities for creative piece usage and building. When fit together these two pieces can create sloped platforms and other protrudent shapes.


    Glass application of this piece could be useful to create interesting canopy enclosures.


    If used abuntantly enough even spheres can be created with these 2 polygons. [​IMG]




    • Suggestion for some color placement - reverse side has a single strip that when combined with pentagon pieces line up to create a complete circuit.


    TRIANGLEsphere copy.jpg

    2. NATURAL

    • ROCKS
    • We need more mid sized rocks, it was very difficult to try and create a cave with such large objects for such a small and enclosed space. I would suggest creating a variety of pieces as an immediate solution.

    • Modular Cave Pieces would be a great addition the natural pallet as this is the most performance efficient way to construct them while being the hardest to create with the current natural rock set. Having a premade asset for this would increase workflow speeds as well as have a better performance rate.
    • SLOPED TERRAIN RAMPS (corkscrew)
    It was very difficult to find natural terrain pieces that fit together to create a corkscrew style slope for 90 degree gradient pathing.
    #78 WAR, Jan 13, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018
  19. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Shortly after the release of halo 4, many people started to notice just how underwhelming the leap forward was in comparison to its previous version. In order to help the community provide an organized way to communicate what new features they would like for the next title I created an online submission thread for anyone to provide. With the intentions to help build a stronger and more collective voice for our community to The poll was first released on the now deceased community site

    Community Forge Poll

    First Released: 6/4/2012

    Where: (offline)



    Top 10 Community Forge Requests (6/4/2012)

    Results below reflect a total of 785 voters. This poll eventually obtained over 1000 votes however a backup copy of that data was never made.

    1. Terrain Editor - 74% (581)
    2. Time of Day / Weather - 65% (510)
    3. Forerunner / Covenant Pallet - 59% (463)
    4. More Diverse Scenery Objects - 52% (408)
    5. Skybox Selection - 49% (375)
    6. Object Construction - Stretching - 49% (395)
    7. Water, Lava, Acid Features - 47% (369)
    8. Switches / Scripting - 41% (322)
    9. Multiple Object Selection / Grouping - 36% (283)
    10. Remove Budgeting Restrictions - 32% (251)
    11. Color / Texture Selection - 32%
    12. Edit Undo Function - 26%
    13. Map Thumbnail Preview Picture - 21%
    14. Map Updates via Cloud - 21%
    15. Scenic Water Sources / Waterfalls - 21%
    16. Advanced Lighting Features - 20%
    17. Classic Map Pallet Pieces - 19%
    18. Save Damage to Vehicle / Environ - 17%
    19. Sound Placement - Local & Global - 16%
    20. Curved Pieces - 15%
    21. Moving Objects via Scripting - 11%
    22. Define Coordinate 0,0,0 - 10%
    23. Map Folders / Album Creation - 9%
    24. Sentinel Forging Character - 9%
    25. Playlist Creation / Save / Share - 8%
    26. Sizable Portals (can view through) - 6%
    27. Volume Adjuster for Objects (lifts) - 4%
    28. HALO 5 FORGE DLC

    Future DLC forge content should be free and automatically downloaded to consoles. Players that do not use forge level editing tools will not see the need to download the expansions and will miss out on new community generated content in matchmaking because of it. In effort to streamline populations and find parties faster in matchmaking all content should be automatically updated to their console.
  20. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Community Favorite Forge Polls

    • Forge polls would make the community feel as if they are participating to help make the creation of forge a better tool. Instead of generalizing assumptions for what the community would like to see in future forge updates, ask them directly and collect data to allow us to help you make more informed decisions based on feedback.
    • The community could be asked to submit photos of their favorite campaign assets. 343 reviews the photos and composes a list of the top 10 viable campaign assets to bring into forge. Community gets to vote on top 10 assets by clicking and dragging into a top 3 position.
    Additional skybox selections would really excite forgers as this is first step to theming their map. New skyboxes can be pulled from current and upcoming Halo 5 Arena maps to make them more reasonable in regards to production.

    • For example, in Halo 2 Anniversary, multiplayer map “Zenith” was stripped of all multiplayer assets and was converted into the forge canvas called “Skyward”.

    A more advanced system to vote for forge DLC content would greatly increase accuracy for results. In the example above, users are given 10 choices to select from with their top 3 choices being submitted in order.

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