Discussion in 'Map Discussion' started by Larry Tanng, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    Larry Tanng submitted a new map:

    Accursed 9 - A faithful remake of Anchor 9 from Halo Reach, by Larry Tanng

    Read more about this map...
  2. XBRevelations07

    XBRevelations07 Legendary

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    This is Beautiful!
    Larry Tanng likes this.
  3. x Arsassin x

    x Arsassin x Legendary

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    The space part was always my favorite. Still good job though!!
    Larry Tanng likes this.
  4. The Grim Dealer

    The Grim Dealer Forerunner
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    This was one of the few good maps from Reach in my opinion, so I'm definitely downloading this.

    Edit: Just so you know, we're getting Trait Zones in a future update.
  5. h0twing3

    h0twing3 Forerunner
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    space deck part needs a change to low Gravity
  6. Brollionaire

    Brollionaire Guest

    My memory could be serving me wrong here but I remember the outer space part having huge shield doors which were really fun to play around with in game. I don't know hoe many times I laughed with my friends about making someone rocket themselves right after they picked them up by teasing them through the shield doors. If you could go back and add them I think that would be a really fun addition for gameplay purposes. Other than that the map looks great really clean which is important for solid gameplay.
    Hillel and Larry Tanng like this.
  7. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    Can't be done without trait zones. I had to work with what 343i gave us in this forge. Hopefully we'll get trait zones in the future.

    I looked through all of H5's Forge for shield doors for this map. They don't exist in this game. This map will just have to currently serve as the "Unanchored" variant, Bungie's non-shielded version of Anchor 9 that replaced the original in Team Slayer. Not sure why they replaced it though. I liked the shield doors too.
    #7 Larry Tanng, Jan 8, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
    Hillel likes this.
  8. Brollionaire

    Brollionaire Guest

    Dang that stinks that they don't have any shield doors you could piece together to make it big enough to cover the large garage door looking things lol. No worries. Still a great map. I'm about to download it now.
  9. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    Thanks! Yea, 343i said they will be supporting free updates to H5 Forge. I'm really hoping they add trait zones and shield doors, so I can finally make this map more like the way we remember it.
  10. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    Make the windows black and it's perfect.

    I went into Forge and it's literally the very next color to the left so it shouldn't be hard to change.
    Larry Tanng likes this.
  11. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    Good call man. Someone else mentioned changing the glass color too. I ended up choosing murky green, very similar to black, nice and clear, but that extra slightly green hue actually matches the original Anchor 9's glass perfectly.
    Hillel likes this.
  12. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    Larry Tanng updated ACCURSED 9 with a new update entry:

    Updated to v1.1 - Changed all glass color and added window sills.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    Larry Tanng updated ACCURSED 9 with a new update entry:

    Updated to v1.2 - re-sized bottom base windows

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Gabotron ES

    Gabotron ES Recruit

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    Should have another version with Breakout's shield barriers (look for them), the map also looks WAY too clean, should start working on adding some texture detailed objects once you are finished with map geometry.

    Will keep an eye on this map for sure.
    Hillel likes this.
  15. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    Breakout's shield barriers won't work, because you can't go through them, unless you know something I don't, but I've tried everything. The shield doors I need don't exist in H5 Forge yet. Hopefully they add it.

    As far as textures go, I went for the clean and bright look on purpose to keep the map a bright as possible, since the space map tends to make indoor maps way too dark, and the other reason was to keep the budget all the way in the green. I'll be slowly adding more detail with each new update, but I'm also worried that too many details on a map drags the performance down. I did however add plenty of decals to things and sound effects. It would be nice if 343i added skins for the blocks too, like cracks, stains and bullet holes. I would definitely use those.
    #15 Larry Tanng, Jan 9, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
    Hillel likes this.
  16. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Larry Tanng updated ACCURSED 9 with a new update entry:

    Updated to v2.0 - Remodeled outer deck, Added lots of new detail.

    Read the rest of this update entry...
    Hillel likes this.
  17. Hillel

    Hillel Legendary

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    I also don't understand why, with all the new stuff in forge, they took away the one and two way shields. I also combed the palate looking for them. They were extremely useful pieces, I was so excited to forge one of my favorite original maps in 5, which really used the shield doors, only to be let down with disappointment when I realized we didn't have them. I really hope we get them back in an update. That, along with the trait zones, would really bring this map to life like the original.
  18. Verses Fatum

    Verses Fatum Ancient
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    I tried out this map under the Blue Planet setting and wanted to say that It looks good with that setting as well ^^
    Hillel likes this.
  19. Larry Tanng

    Larry Tanng Forerunner
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    I almost did that and am still thinking about it, but he main reason I didn't use it is because you can see the big blue planet's reflection in all the glass, especially the big window in the back, which looks weird because only the planet can be seen and not the rest of the ship.
  20. Verses Fatum

    Verses Fatum Ancient
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    I think somebody did this trick to fix the reflections on the glass, not sure how to do it, but it was pretty sweet, but yeah, the Blue Planet makes the map look amazing and somewhat dark and spooky, like an outpost studying the life of stars about to collapse =D

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