I may have forgotten to mention it, but I also felt it was a bit dark in several places. I'll try to run through it with you some time
Saw your post on Reddit. I'd love to have my map Firewatch tested. I'd say ideal player count is 8 - 4v4 slayer. It's set up for CTF and Strongholds too, but untested. Would be great to have those played. http://www.forgehub.com/maps/firewatch.1118/
Hey Para - looks like you have mine and @RPAL's names mixed up in your list in the OP. I by no means deserve credit for the work of that living legend, though it was certainly flattering. For the record - my map is 8-12 Team Slayer on Nowhere, RPAL's is 8-12 CTF on Cavalcade. And per your earlier post, I can attest that Nowhere has more than enough spawns to handle 16 if the party grows to that size, and even has starts set up for 4 teams if we were to revisit it later on in the night with 4v4v4v4 or something wacky like that. Cheers man - looking forward to the event.
I'll update the OP tonight to reflect your submission. Thanks for pointing that out. Looking forward to Saturday!!
I'm no legend, but I do find it hilarious that I am known for creating a minigame when I'm more of a competitive person. Never had success with my competitive maps. Hopefully that will change with this one. Para, I just posted some pictures of Cavalcade over in the WIP thread if you wanna take a look. Should be all set for testing. I'll probably tweak the intro cameras at some point, but that's minor.
Lookin good! Last week our lobby was full for the entire 5 hours, do you want me to include your map on the list and play it with more than recommended players? Lookin forward to playing on it! CF Rocks!
Yeah, I think more than recommended might be okay. Preferably 4v4 if we happen to have that amount at the time.
Just wanted to let you know that Cavalcade is ready. I hope to be there so I can get feedback from the party if you got room for me. My gamertag is the same as my username (RPAL) and the map is the one with only "Cavalcade" in the title. All the other ones are backups of my progress. Looking forward to Saturday!
The OP has been updated to reflect some recent submissions. I'm going to be working today and tomorrow on some videos for the stream. Also I have another Jumps and Tricks video i'm working on and I will air it on the stream before uploading it to YouTube. Many people liked the videos so I'm happy theater worked last night to get the footage I need to do another.
I'll be getting Turf to a playable state tonight, so after that, if you want you can jump in to make the video
The spawns for my Spire remake are more or less finished, and I'm just working on getting the last details finished. Should be ready to go for tomorrow, if you want to add it to the rotation. Hopefully I can join in some form as well.
Not sure if you missed my submission for the updates to the OP or if you decided not to play, but bumping it just in case.
Bring 'em on! As mentioned before - last week our lobby was full for the entire event, will your map play well with more than recommended players?