Years ago back in Reach I used to do regular custom lobbies for forge maps, and as of late I've been running them almost on the daily again so I wanted to make this official. With H2a there have been some issues with who can actually host games, as there are some netcode issues (namely a 1mb file constantly running in the background) which add significant strain on the hosts connection. This essentially means only individuals with good connections (better than 15mbs down, 5mbs up) can host reliably. Well, I'm one of those few here that has one (35mbps down, 8mbps up). Lobbies usually run from 2pm EST (7PM GMT) through 6PM EST (11PM GMT). Great for my fellow EU timezones! Also, EU Host is just awesome for EU Players (y'all on this side of the pond know the pains of US Hosts). Only real downside is those of you in the states that want to join will be playing off high ping connection, but at least it's a stable one. Just post your GT's below and shoot me a FR. GT: SecretSchnitzel
Thank you for not conflicting with my lobby's time. I would definitely be down to join this one too if I have time, so if you see me on shoot me an invite.
Had a fun lobby going early with the one and only NINJA. But that wasn't exactly my lobby, although we played a couple of my maps.
After last night's lobby, I decided to tack on one little caveat. We play BR starts and no radar. While radar can be negotiable, please do not request anything other than BR starts. BR starts are favored as the alternative lends itself to cascading advantages to the team that controls the BRs spawning on map as well as Power Weapons. The role of the BR, being a utility weapon, is to regulate this cascading advantage by giving players that do not control the power weapons some feasible means of fighting back. Thank you.