If you read the bungie weekly update, it says that the 1v1 maps will have more dual weapons. So the most powerful weapon will most likely be a mauler, which can easily be taken down. No maps, did you see the 1v1 tourney here. The leader will have a waypoint, so it'll be hard to properly camp. 1v1 is great, you realy get to say that you are better than someone, no questions asked. Why do you hate it so?
I'm really rather interested in which maps they're going to include, given that I haven't seen that many 1v1 maps outside of the tournament we held here.
I can just imagine everyone in ShWATguns complaining about host advantage... It'll be like Gears all over again. I might just have to press X to curbstomp.
guess i didn't read that part. but in my book, that makes it worse. seeing who can have the best noob combo + make sure they can see a red upside down triangle approaching= phail to the eight power. I want some team br's at guardian with no gravity hammer and less bullets in sniper. not noob stuff.
I'm looking forward to trying the Head to Head playlist, I haven't played 1v1 before except in customs so I'll give it a chance.
no. you wont be able to do that... you can't do that now.. how ever, I did once meet a guy in lone wolves five matches in a row. but that was a fluke. PLasma Rifle + SMG vs Plasma Rifle + Spiker,,,,,, there is skill needed in these fights. sure you can just run in at the guy, but if he's smart at all, he'll have a grenade waiting under your feet. and I personally think they should make Carbine start games. I get bored with nothing but BR matches. If I wanted repetivness, I'd go in social Big team and accept infection game type matches with 5 year olds (>_>)
actually you can easily boost these 1v1 accounts to 50 through the language filter trick, the same one that is used to farm your lonewolves acheivements
Yeah, there's a language trick that allows people to play with each other, simply by changing their language to a language that no one on XBL uses much. That's all I know. I call it cheating (-_-)
HOSTIFY! That's pretty much the only playlist in which the better connection wins 2 people= 1 host 1 host= sadface for whoever is playing with him/her
Host only makes a difference if YOU happen to be using a box of dying kittens as a modem.... 1v1 there is infact less NATs to agree with each other,meaning there will be significantly less lag as a whole. Especially with the gayness that was patch 1.1 the host has very little advantage in a 1v1.Its only in large groups where the host AND his team get advantages that it starts to stock up. Even if it does make a small difference THEN DONT RELY ON COMBO THAT REQUIRES HOST TO WIN WITH. Ie dont charge to melee,or dont try AR the guy.Youv a fifty fifty shot being host,so even if its a factor itll even out. And for the record,you people and your beloved SWAT is completely reliant on the host, whoever fires first wins
wooh, I love 1v1, lets pwn some nooooooooobs... or maybe a general. depends who I get paired up with I guess
Most of the achievements require more than 1 person, so they might add talking in-game to this playlist. But they probably won't.
Yea but, talking trash after a game involving dual weps and no brs? Sounds like the kind of game I leave postgame and turn off my xbox till I've thought about what I've done.
OMG, lol at the kittens. I agree, there is crap loads of lag sometimes with large parties but since there are only two the connection should be fine. And about SWAT with he who fires first wins, not completely true, someone shot me like 3 times, I turn and headshot him.