Yeah my bad I was half asleep when I posted. Anywhere from 4v4 to 8v8 but preferably want to test 8v8. Game type is just the standard Arena Slayer (but with br/ar starts I believe ala the BTB playlist). If we have time a game of CTF could be fun.
Put it down for slayer. Edit: Probably should have just been private messaging you. Thanks for your patience.
I would love if you could test a map or two, if you have time and space of course. Longest Yard remake could be fun. Clash Valley is new, so I have no idea what it would play like since its fairly basic. Digsite is also another. Mainly BTB ish maps. Nothing too close quarters.
GT is Raide UK I am pretty poor at anything apart from Team Slayer. Basic Team Spawns and Respawn points (I really need to work on more interesting places!) I know the Clash Valley map has 2 Flag points in it but I don't know if I need to do more.
Hey Paranormal, if you are still taking maps for testing I've got one almost ready for release. GT: RPAL Map: Cavalcade Gametype: 8+ CTF. 6v6 is probably the preferred number of players. I've tested it with 5v5 and it works well, 8v8 might be a bit cramped but should still work. I could get online in a bit if you need the authors in the game.
If you guys need another tester, hit me up. Been dying to try out of some of the maps I've seen. GT is same as here.
Hey, I replied to the reddit post, but felt like also commenting here. If its possible, can you test my map, Rockpoint Lighthouse (0.5)? GT: SmartAlec13 Map: Rockpoint Lighthouse (0.5) Gametype: Slayer or Strongholds Players: 4v4 Its a 4v4 map, designed mostly for Slayer but also can do Strongholds. Doesn't matter to me which one you play really. I can't go to the testing, so if there is any way you can get peoples general opinions, and maybe even recording/file of the match so I can look later? Thanks
Sorry if we didnt get to play any late submissions. This event is now completed and a full record of the broadcast can be found here. I also updated the original post with this information. We're doing this again btw
Sweet man, I'll be there next time. And odds are high I won't be sorrowfully drinking because of the Avalanche getting massacred.
That's crap, dude. You should try to contest that claim. There's no reason to block your video cause of a radio station in the background.