I remade The Pit from halo 3 its on my fs. gt: eEvasiv map name: The Pit 1.2.16 I got 90% of the angles lined up and MLG spawns slayer ctf breakout strongholds let me know if you find any problems ill try to get a pic up here tomorrow
I made some updates to the thing, still doesn't feel quite right. Thanks for the suggestions, A 3 Legged Goat
Took a few minutes to block out the UT Map Morpheus. With the correct Gametype, it could be pretty damn fun with the H2 Spartan Abilities. Need to look at the map a little closer to figure out exactly where the buildings are.
yea restarted it to line up the middle... but it's taken twice as long to remake my scratch canvas which felt perfect aside from things being messy and not lining up
Those playable maps tho... In other news: Recent changes: fixed some clamber spots, Moved sniper to a cut out in the rock wall behind the main center structure instead of having it inside. This gives me the option to add a power up to the middle somewhere without it being too close to rockets or sniper but I haven't decided to do so yet. Added soft kill zones & removed a couple awkward spawns.
I'm seeing a lot of great maps that incorporate natural floors...aside from flats, are you all using anything else to get around the small hills and undulations? Invisible blockers or anything?
I havent had to use invisible blockers yet. Mainly just using large hills and shifting them at weird angles with large flats & everything is coming out pretty smooth.
Not sure if that's going to be your actual intro, but just a small note: I think the intro would look nicer if the shots didn't all move in the same direction. Maybe try switching between left and right pan shots? Or throw a vertical pan in there. As long as you don't have two shots right after each other that look very similar. Saw some other people do the same and it just feels a bit off if you ask me.
No sir, I made those just for the gif. The actual intro shows the rockets spawn & sniper spawn plus the team intro.
Got some games on bastille 16x32, played really well. I'll post the map tomorrow. As for my 2v2 map, well, that I can't show anyone that.
For a couple weeks now, I've been working on a mansion infection map. I can't wait for 343 to release infection and I hope to have this map ready for when it drops. I've made many other mansion maps on previous Halo games but this one is by far the most ambitious one of mine yet. This map should be done by the end of next Sunday if all goes as planned. If you would like to check it out, the map name is "manor" and my GT is the same as my username: A Hungry Dino First floor layout finished: First floor decorated and second floor layout beginning: Sneak peek at the first floor decorations: I figured it would be wise to upload its construction here since I heard about some maps being stolen by others. So let this post be proof of my authorship EDIT: I have finished the second floor layout and I'm now decorating it. After this is done, just the outside scenery will need constructed and it'll be pretty much finished! I'm surprised at how low my lightmap is. It is at 55% while using 823/1024 objects, none of which have had their baking turned off. This is probably because I used so many simple/primitive walls and blocks. Definitely use those if you are constructing large maps!
Alright guys, I take it all back, I'm fine with the measurement system. I would have rather they used metrics still, but working with feet gets the job done anyhow. What I really love, though, is how all the various pieces are measured out into different dimensions. Been using a good bit of trigonometry to figure out my scaling and the angles I need for ramps and walls as well as the best fitting piece length. It's great!
Ended up going back and working on the design I had for this if anyone feels like giving me some feedback on the design it would be greatly appreciated. Left side will be indoors and right will be the other thing, I will continue working on both top left and right they just feel boring. I considered connecting the two half circles by teles not sure about that though. After making a rough version in forge I think the map might actually be big enough for FFA.
Jiggly puff please! Don't Come to America & try to convert us to the other system! That's like all the Mexicans here in West Texas that get mad when we don't habla espanol.
I'm going to start submitting proper in-depth reviews on maps. Just want to give a fair warning though that my scores may be lower than what people are used to, merely because I think people tend to either forget or are unwilling to use a rating scale properly. I think of it like this. A 5/5 to me implies that I believe the map needs no changes/improvements, and is "perfect" as-is. I believe that most people should be able to count the amount of 5/5 Forge maps on one hand in any given iteration of Forge. So if that's what constitutes a 5/5, then 4.5 is just below that and implies near perfection, which again should be a small sliver (<1%) of all Forge maps in any given game. You can use that logic all the way to the 2.5/5 and 3/5 range, where the large majority of maps should fall. But people see those numbers and freak out when applied to their maps, because of how inflated rating scales have become. I have made plenty of average maps. So has everyone who has ever Forged. If I walk around on a map and am not overly impressed with much, and then play it and feel the same way about the gameplay, then that map should be a 2.5 or 3. I just don't want people to get their panties in a bunch, so I thought I'd make this precautionary and ridiculous post. Hopefully people understand where I'm coming from, and possibly adopt a similar mindset so that we as Forgers can improve as opposed to having our hands held and be told that we're all nearly flawless level designers.
@Xandrith liked the old bastille better. i can see how it being smaller might improve the flow, but the old one felt better to me. new pathing feels cramped and the aesthetics are distracting from the sightlines (namely the bar railings). there's also that double ledge you added where they almost blend into one another and look like one path. would add a colored block at the edge of the top one at least to show that it's a ledge.